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question:Freedom planet all characters react to his future Torque (Torque as trunks) love. all girls blushed

answer:Sash Lilac: "I... I don't know what to say. I never thought I'd fall for Torque, but he looks so... different. Maybe we have a chance in the future?" Carol Tea: *shyly smiling* "I can't help but think about being together with Future Torque. He looks so fun, kind, and cool... I think I like him." Milla Basset: *giggling* "Oh, Torque! I'll always love you, no matter where or when you are. Especially if you look like this!" Neera Li: *blushing* "Future Torque, my heart is racing and I think I've fallen for you. I can't help it, you're so... handsome and strong." Avalanche: "Wait, are we really talking about falling in love with Torque? I mean, he's... he's Torque! But... I have to admit, Future Torque looks pretty amazing." Pangu: "Oh, Future Torque, I always knew you were special and wonderful! My love shall follow you through time and space, for all eternity!" All the girls couldn't help but blush and feel a bit embarrassed by their sudden feelings for Future Torque. But they knew that love knows no bounds, even if that meant being in love with a time-traveling alien from the future.

question:Freedom planet all characters react to his future Torque (Torque as trunks) super sexy. all girls blushed

answer:Sash Lilac: "Oh my... Future Torque is incredibly attractive! Those muscles, that hair, and those clothes... I'm blushing but I can't look away." Carol Tea: *covering her face* "I can't believe I'm saying this, but... Future Torque is super hot! I'm too embarrassed to look at him." Milla Basset: *giggling nervously* "I-I don't know if I'm ready for how sexy Future Torque is... but I definitely wouldn't mind admiring him for a bit longer." Neera Li: *fans herself* "I'm absolutely entranced by Future Torque's stunning appearance. He's never looked so alluring and irresistible!" Avalanche: "Okay, that's it. Future Torque is officially the hottest guy I've ever seen. He's so... swole and his outfit is just... ahem... wow." Pangu: "My heart, it cannot take how dazzling and charming Future Torque in that outfit looks! He is more than "super sexy", he is a god of love and beauty!" All the girls couldn't help but feel completely swept off their feet by Future Torque's stunning appearance. They blushed, giggled, and fanned themselves as they tried to regain control of their fluttering hearts.

question:hlsl error X3000: unrecognized identifier 'DXBC' 什么错误


question:D3DCompile of fx_5_0 profile failed: 80004005

answer:这个错误通常是由以下几种原因造成的: 1. 缺失所需的DLL文件:需要检查电脑是否缺失了d3dcompiler_XX.dll文件(其中XX是一个数字,代表不同版本的DirectX)。如果确实缺失,需要重新安装DirectX或者从Microsoft官方网站下载并手动安装该DLL文件。 2. 编译器版本不匹配:需要确保使用的编译器版本与你的代码、Windows SDK版本和DirectX版本匹配。例如,使用VS2017时,需要安装相应的Windows SDK和DirectX。 3. 版本不支持特定功能:可能是你的代码使用了一些当前版本不支持的新功能,需要检查一下代码是否符合所选的编译器版本和DirectX版本的要求。 4. 程序出现了其他错误:在程序编译过程中,可能还会出现其他一些错误,需要仔细检查程序代码和相关配置文件,找出并修正错误。 建议逐一排查以上几种可能原因,找到问题所在,并对程序进行修正。

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