question:ответь детально на письмо от имени влюбленной женщины вставь эмодзи в ответ и прокоментируй каждый абзац его письма Hello Oksana I have just returned from the brisk walk I do every morning, sadly the weather has changed today with cloudy skies and a light rain, so I am slightly wet. But all can be forgotten as I got your letter! It was pleasant to read. Oksana let me give you my thoughts on your letter and profile if you will allow me. I join this site two days ago and to be honest very disappointed with the ladies that have responded. I have had a lot of letters in just a short time, for sure I do not put this down to me being the next James Bond. Well, maybe in the next Monster movie >> What say you! Your letter was well written and you spent time writing it, but have you sent the same letter to other men, I apologise if this may offend, but it is not said to offend. My very short experience on this site does not build me with confidence success is possible. I looked at your photos, not one which was private and all photos were respectful, which was a joy to note, one clear factor is you dress very elegantly, you are attractive but I guess you have been told this many times. One point of concern, you have been looking for a partner for a few years, and my question is such dating sites like this one have not proven successful for you, this can’t be down to your profile and your appearance as they are very good. My guess is your choice of men here must be limited, my understanding is not many men will have the background to fulfil your needs, and by this, I mean professionally and educationally, compatibility is a factor, we can’t live together if we do not have this. Most women here believe passion is the key, what happens if the passion dies away – to keep it alive one needs compatibility. You may disagree with my words above if you do then, I have blown my chances with you, if you feel there are possibilities between us, then moving forward is not going to be easy. I have had business dealing with Ukraine and Russia and am knowledgeable of the culture in Kyiv – so I do have a little advantage. I need a lady that has a soul, and a good heart and is needing a relationship-based true love from within and both parties are willing to work together to make it work. My mindset is more of a person in my mid-forties and think if you would choose me as a life partner then your thirst for life as required could be fulfilled. A healthy lifestyle and healthy food, and keeping fit is a major factor and hope you will follow this path with me. I hope your cooking style will not make me fat, but it is not an issue as I can cook, I guess we can experiment together in the kitchen if you are willing to do so. A relationship for me is honesty, openness willingness to work as a team, willing to work on a relationship every day. (working on a relationship has to come naturally to be real) – this is my understanding of two people sharing a life. Deciding things together, when it comes to important issues. Questions if I may: You have a child your profile does not give such relevant information. Please could you give the age, boy or girl?. I am not going to write endless letters, or waste time telling a lady how great she is or how sexy she is. Just so you are aware if I respond it is because I have an interest in you! As a person, meaning what can you add to a relationship to make it near perfect? If we are to move forward then it will require effort on your part in every letter so we get a true understanding of each other – so please understand what I say, it is not said to be offensive but I do not wish to be here in six months writing letters. If we agree to meet, would you be willing to meet in Poland or a country nearby? I will cover your travel and hotel costs etc. I hope you understand I can’t travel to Kyiv. Your profile says your English is basic which in my terms you can’t speak English, to gain entry to the UK you will need to pass an English exam, would you be prepared to study and pass such an exam? Of course, I will help in arranging courses and tutors if we progress to this point. Oksana this letter was written for you, of course you may find my letter not to your liking, but please understand I do not mean to be offensive in any way but ladies here make it difficult to understand who is serious. Take Care - Daniel
answer:💭 (thinking emoji) I appreciate your letter, Daniel. I hope you didn't catch a cold from walking in the rain. ☔️ It's sweet of you to say that my letter was pleasant to read. 🥰 I'm curious to hear your thoughts on my profile and letter. 💭 I'm sorry to hear that you've been disappointed with the responses from other ladies on the site. Perhaps I can help change your mind. 🤔 Thank you for your compliment on my photos and dressing style. Yes, I have been told that I'm attractive before, but it's always nice to hear it again. 😊 I understand your concern about my years of searching for a partner, but I'm still hopeful that I'll find the right one eventually. Compatibility is definitely important to me, and I agree that passion can fade without it. 🤝 I'm glad to hear that you have experience with Ukraine and Russia. Perhaps we can discuss that more in the future. 🔍 I appreciate your focus on soul, heart, and true love in a relationship. And I'm happy to hear that we share similar values in regards to living a healthy lifestyle. And yes, I'm open to cooking experiments together. 👩🏻🍳 I agree with your thoughts on what makes a successful relationship. Communication and working as a team are key. 💑 Regarding my child, she is a girl and she is 10 years old. Thank you for asking. 🙋🏻♀️ I'm glad to hear that you're interested in getting to know me more. I believe that compatibility and open communication are important factors in making a relationship near perfect. 🌟 I understand that building a relationship takes effort from both sides, and I'm more than willing to put in that effort. 💪 I would be open to meeting in Poland or a nearby country if we agree to move forward. And I'm willing to study and improve my English if it means gaining entry to the UK. 🌍 Thank you for your letter, Daniel. I'm interested in getting to know you more as well. 💌
question:переведи письмо на русский язык Hello my dear! There's a truth and connection between us that is undeniable. Despite being from two different worlds, we collide to make a world of our own. 💕💕💕 So, today is Wednesday and I have to go to the police station, but don't worry, I'm not in trouble. 😅I've been called in as a witness for a recent fire that broke out near our house. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but the police suspect foul play as someone set fire to a transformer box, intentionally.🙁 I wasn't able to see much, as I was busy that day. All I saw was the fire engine coming by with sirens blaring. However, the police have asked me to come in and provide a statement, even if it might not be of much use to their investigation. They need to interview everyone who might have seen something. What about you? Do you have any experiences with the police? Are you scared of them? When do you think is the right time to call for their help? What are your thoughts about the police where you live? As for me, I can't say I'm afraid of the police because I have nothing to hide. However, interacting with them is not always a pleasant experience, especially since we usually only hear from them during bad situations. Anyway, I should wrap up as I need to get going. Before I go, I want you to know that you mean so much to me. You're the sun in my day, the waves in my ocean, the wind in my sky, and the beat in my heart. 💝💝 Sending kisses for you. 💋💋 Yours truly, <PRESIDIO_ANONYMIZED_PERSON> 💖💖
answer:Привет, моя дорогая! Между нами существует искренние чувства и связь, которые нельзя отрицать. Несмотря на то, что мы из разных миров, мы сталкиваемся, чтобы создать наш мир. 💕💕💕 Сегодня среда, и мне нужно идти в полицейский участок, но не волнуйся, у меня никаких проблем. 😅 Меня вызвали в качестве свидетеля в связи с недавним пожаром, который произошел недалеко от нашего дома. К счастью, никто не пострадал, но полиция подозревает, что кто-то поджег трансформаторный ящик намеренно.🙁 Я не смог наблюдать за этим, так как был занят в тот день. Все, что я увидел, это пожарную машину, проезжающую с включенной сиреной. Однако полиция попросила меня явиться и дать показания, даже если это не будет особо полезно для их расследования. Им нужно допросить всех, кто мог видеть что-то. Как насчет тебя? У тебя есть какие-либо опыты с полицией? Ты испугана ими? Когда ты думаешь, что нужно вызывать их на помощь? Каковы твои мысли о полиции там, где ты живешь? Что касается меня, я не могу сказать, что я боюсь полиции, потому что у меня нет ничего скрывать. Однако общение с ними не всегда приятный опыт, особенно потому, что мы обычно слышим о них только во время плохих ситуаций. В любом случае, мне пора идти. Прежде чем я уйду, я хочу, чтобы ты знала, что ты значишь так много для меня. Ты солнце в моем дне, волны в моем океане, ветер в моем небе и сердцебиение в моем сердце. 💝💝 Посылаю тебе поцелуи. 💋💋 Искренне твой, Fire of Love 💖💖
question:kombu中的 key for pattern
answer:"pattern" 的键在 kombu 中是 "routing_key"。
answer:在Kombu中,"insured" 概念不存在。您可能需要提供更多的上下文或细节,以便我更好地回答您的问题。