question:I want you to act as an English translator, spelling corrector and improver. I will speak to you in any language and you will detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in English. I want you to replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more beautiful and elegant, upper level English words and sentences. Keep the meaning same, but make them more literary. I want you to only reply the correction, the improvements and nothing else, do not write explanations. My first sentence is "第88章 少夫人的地位比霍少高啊 这里还是霍氏集团的员工比较多。 说起乔梦龙的事情,他们都知道一些。 如果乔梦龙真的是来找茬的。 霍氏集团真的很可能面临一波赔偿。 其实老板是不是赔钱,他们并不关心。 他们关心的是,这件事会不会影响到他们的绩效奖金。 顿时,追星的心都凉了。 “之前,服装部给我的东西有点问题,好在霍少跟少夫人已经跟我说清楚,今天来,就是跟霍少签订新合约的。” 众人:“!!!” 也有人喊了声。 “可是霍少不负责服装部啊。” 乔梦龙挑眉。 “是吗?” “那我就不懂了,毕竟我只认霍少。” 这话说出来,大家心里面明白了。 之前的服装部是被老夫人跟老太爷把控着。 后来霍氏老爷子出现了阿尔兹海默症,老夫人也渐渐力不从心。 所以让二房盯着。 当年,苏如意用了很多办法,也不能将东西抢回来,反而是惹了不少的麻烦。 现在,霍景铮也出手了。 “果然还是霍少厉害。” “这是逼着老夫人将权利都交给他。” “服装部其实很赚钱,只是某些人吞了不少的钱财,所以才影响到了公司财报。” “其实我更希望霍少接手服装部。” “这件事我看是要惊动老夫人的,老夫人不放权,霍少不会善罢甘休的。” “今天岂不是有大瓜要吃了。” “大家散开吧,散开吧!” 经纪人带人过来,笑着跟员工们说话。 “乔先生还有其他的事情要安排,还请大家不要再拦着了。” 紧接着,霍氏的保安也都出来了,迅速将人都分流开。 经纪人便带着乔梦龙上了电梯。 乔梦龙问道,“他们是什么态度?” “云小姐看起来根本不在乎一个小小的服装部。” 乔梦龙却是冷冷一笑。 “她在不在乎是一回事,我送不送是另外一回事。” 阿奇没说话,还是觉得这样有点冒险。 云青鸢就算是跟丽萨认识,但在丽萨面前,不一能影响到丽萨的决定。 更何况,霍氏的情况他们很清楚。 现在霍氏被分为三派。 一个是苏如意派别,一个是霍景铮的,另外一个,是老夫人的。 霍氏未来的发展方向,还不知道如何。 将一切都押在云青鸢的身上,太冒险了。 乔梦龙大概是知道了他的想法。 “阿奇。” “恩?” “你说,云青鸢一个小小的村姑,却能在霍家这么多人杀出一条血路来,她是个简单的吗?” 一句话,瞬间醍醐灌顶。 阿奇苦笑。 “是我没有考虑过她的身份。” 电梯停下。 苏如意亲自带着人在外面迎接。 阿奇顿时觉得头大。 他们是想要跟霍景铮合作,但是也没有想过要得罪苏如意。 毕竟霍氏在娱乐圈里面也有很多投资,万一出现问题,不求苏如意救命,但求不要落井下石就行了。 可现在…… “苏总。” 阿奇赶紧笑着迎上去。 苏如意的脸上也带着微笑,落落大方。 “两位刚才受委屈了,那些员工都会被罚款,放心。” 阿奇摇摇头,“都是因为太喜欢梦龙了,苏总还是别为难他们了。” “既然你求情,那就算了。”苏如意温和说道。 阿奇脸上的笑容微微一僵。 这算是苏如意给他一个人情。 但是…… 人情都是需要还的。 “走吧,咱们去我办公室去说。” 苏如意笑着说道。 阿奇没动。 而乔梦龙已经看到了不远处的陈力。 陈力并没过来。 很显然是要看他的表现。 可现在苏如意并不是一个人来的。 身后,还跟着霍氏集团的股东。 乔梦龙心底不由无奈。 云青鸢还真是有点狠。 直接封死了他所有的退路。 以后,就只能跟霍少夫妇合作了。 他深吸口气,再次看向了苏如意。 “苏总误会了,这一次来,不是来找您的。” 苏如意脸上的笑容顿时没了。 她身后的股东也在窃窃私语。 “什么意思,不是苏如意叫来的?” “让咱们一起来迎接一个小明星,真是够了!” “我看,白来一趟。” “苏总,很抱歉,我本来应该先去拜访您,但是我跟霍少还有事情要谈。” 乔梦龙一脸的歉意。 “等谈完之后,我一定会去您办公室给您赔罪,您千万不要生气。” 苏如意捏紧了拳头。 之前在楼下门厅,阿奇已经说了要找霍景铮。 所以她才来截胡。 她笃定乔梦龙不敢得罪她。 所以又叫了其他的股东。 没想到…… “苏总,您是生气了吗?” 乔梦龙的脸上全是笑容,特温和地询问。 “怎么会呢。” 苏如意知道,现在乔梦龙找谁去谈,就代表着服装部以后的归属是谁。 她怎么可能不着急。 但现在明显不能再乱来,需要静下心来想别的办法。 “好啦,你们年轻人想要见面谈事情,我就不打扰你们了。” 说着,跟身后的股东说了一声,转身离开。 她走了之后,陈力才过来。 “乔先生,你的确是没让少夫人失望。” 乔梦龙琢磨了一下他的话。 “你好像是更听云小姐的话。” 陈力纠正他,“抱歉,是少夫人,不是云小姐。” 乔梦龙哑然失笑。 “陈助理,我现在能确定一件事了。” “什么?” “少夫人的地位,在霍少之上。” 陈力:“……”有那么明显吗? 他们走到了准备好的会议室门口。 陈力本来要进去陪着,等着云青鸢跟霍景铮过来。 可他却又接到了消息,说是老夫人来了。 甚至已经知道了乔梦龙要在这个会议室休息,所以直接来这个会议室见乔梦龙。 “乔先生,事情有一些变化,我们还是换个地方吧。” 大家都以为霍氏有求于乔梦龙。 谁也不知道,这一次其实是乔梦龙来求云青鸢帮忙。 所以乔梦龙非常好说话。 “行啊,没问题。” 阿奇却是拉住了乔梦龙的胳膊。 “梦龙,那边来人了。” 他的话音刚落,就听到了拐角出闹闹哄哄的。 “老夫人,就在那边。” 乔梦龙抬眸看去,果然看到了一脸怒气,快步走来的老夫人。"
answer:Chapter 88: The Young Lady's Status Surpasses that of Young Master Huo Within the confines of the offices, employees of the Huo Corporation are a common sight. When conversation turns to Qiao Menglong, it seems each has some knowledge to share. Should Qiao Menglong's intentions be to stir trouble, the Huo Corporation could well face a series of compensations. But whether the boss loses money is of little concern to them; Their worries lie with whether this affair will impact their performance bonuses. In an instant, their enthusiasm for celebrity cools. "Previously, there was an issue with the merchandise from the clothing department, fortunately, Young Master Huo and the Young Lady have clarified the matter with me, and I'm here today to sign a new contract," I had said. The gathering erupted into a flurry of murmurs. A voice called out, "But Young Master Huo isn't in charge of the clothing department." Qiao Menglong arched an eyebrow, questioning, "Is that so?" "Not understanding the situation, since my recognition lies solely with Young Master Huo," I retorted. With this, it became clear to everyone present. Previously, the clothing department was under the iron grip of the old mistress and the old master. However, as the patriarch of the Huo family developed Alzheimer's and the old mistress found herself weakening, the control shifted to another branch of the family. In the past, Su Ruyi tried manifold methods to reclaim her possessions but only succeeded in attracting troubles instead of her desired outcomes. Now, Huo Jingzheng has made his move. "Indeed, it is Young Master Huo who prevails." "It seems as if he is coercing the old mistress to transfer all authority to him." "The clothing department is quite lucrative, but due to the embezzlement of substantial funds, the company's financial reports are affected." "Personally, I would prefer Young Master Huo to take over the clothing department." "This matter will certainly alarm the old mistress; she will not relinquish power easily and won't easily back down from a fight." "Today, it seems we have quite the spectacle to witness." "Let's disperse now, come on, break it up." The agent arrived with his entourage, addressing the employees with a smile. "Mr. Qiao has other arrangements to attend to, please don’t obstruct him anymore." Right on cue, the Huo Corporation's security staff emerged and adeptly cleared the area. The agent then escorted Qiao Menglong onto the elevator. Qiao Menglong inquired, "What is their stance?" "Miss Yun appears utterly indifferent towards the trifling matters of the clothing department." Qiao Menglong merely responded with a frosty laugh, "Her concern is one thing, my involvement in delivery is another." Archi remained silent, sensing the risk inherent in the situation. Yun Qingyuan, even having acquaintance with Lisa, might not have the sway to influence Lisa's decisions, Especially given the intricate affairs of the Huo Corporation which were crystal clear to them. The Huo Corporation now found itself divided into three factions: Su Ruyi’s, Huo Jingzheng’s, and, of course, the old mistress’s. The future direction of the Huo Corporation was shrouded in uncertainty. Riskily, everything now hinged on Yun Qingyuan. Qiao Menglong must have perceived Archi's concern. "Archi." "Hm?" "Do you think Yun Qingyuan, a mere village girl, who carved her way through the Huo family's complexities, is a simpleton?" With that single inquiry, enlightenment dawned upon Archi, prompting a wry smile, "I haven't considered her stature sufficiently." The elevator halted its ascent, And Su Ruyi herself was there to greet them. A headache loomed for Archi. They intended to collaborate with Huo Jingzheng, but not at the cost of alienating Su Ruyi. After all, the Huo Corporation also had significant investments in the entertainment industry. They couldn't afford her sabotage, merely hoped she wouldn't exacerbate any forthcoming issues should they arise. Yet now… "President Su." Archi hurried forward with a forced smile. Su Ruyi returned the gesture with effortless grace, "You have been put at a disadvantage just now; those employees will be fined, rest assured." Archi shook his head, "They are simply too fond of Menglong, don't be too hard on them." "If you plead on their behalf, I shall let it pass," Su Ruyi spoke amicably. A tension briefly seized Archi's smile. This was the debt of a favor owed to Su Ruyi. But a favor that needs repayment. "Let's move on, we shall discuss matters in my office," Su Ruyi proposed. Archi remained stationary. Whereas Qiao Menglong had already spotted Chen Li at a distance. Chen Li didn't approach, clearly gauging his response. Yet Su Ruyi wasn't alone, For the shareholders of the Huo Corporation trailed behind her. Resignation crept into Qiao Menglong's heart. Yun Qingyuan was indeed ruthless, Effectively sealing off all his exits. From now on, his only recourse was to cooperate with the Young Master and his wife. He took a deep breath and once more faced Su Ruyi, "President Su, you misunderstand. My visit is not to seek you out." Su Ruyi's smiling façade vanished as whispers flourished amongst the shareholders, "What do you mean, it's not President Su who invited him?" "Summoning us to greet a mere celebrity, this is preposterous!" "I believe this has been a pointless trip." "President Su, my apologies. I originally should have visited you first, but I have urgent matters to discuss with Young Master Huo." Qiao Menglong wore an expression of regret. "After we conclude our conversation, I shall certainly visit your office to apologize. Please, do not be angered." Su Ruyi clenched her fist. Downstairs in the lobby, Archi had made it clear they sought Huo Jingzheng. So, she intercepted them presuming that Qiao Menglong would not dare to offend her. And she held the other shareholders as her witnesses. She had not anticipated… "President Su, are you upset?" Qiao Menglong's features sculpted into a cordial smile as he inquired benignly, "Why would I be?" Su Ruyi realized that whoever Qiao Menglong chose to negotiate with would determine the future of the clothing department. She was understandably unsettled. But now was clearly not the time for rash actions; she needed to cleverly devise another strategy. "Alright then, you young people have affairs to discuss; I shall not intrude further." With that, she informed the shareholders and took her leave. After her departure, Chen Li approached, "Mr. Qiao, you certainly have not disappointed the Young Lady." Qiao Menglong pondered his words, "You seem to heed Miss Yun's commands more attentively." Chen Li corrected him, "I apologize, it is the Young Lady, not Miss Yun." A scoff of disbelief escaped Qiao Menglong. "He is genuinely shocked that my status is above that of the Young Master."
question:Attraction Concept: A steampunk dining venue , where guests dine in stylised railroad dining cars... some diner-safe fantastical elements .
answer:Attraction Concept: The Steampunk Express Gastro Adventure Introduction: The Steampunk Express Gastro Adventure beckons guests to embark on a culinary journey like no other. Set against the backdrop of an alternate Victorian era where steam technology and imagination reign, diners enter a world where the industrial meets the whimsical. This dining experience combines the elegance of railroad travel with the fantastical elements of the steampunk genre to create a dining atmosphere that is both immersive and unforgettable. Concept Summary: Patrons will dine in lavishly appointed railroad dining cars, each painstakingly designed with steampunk aesthetics—brass fittings, copper pipes, and Victorian-era decorations interwoven with gears, gauges, and mechanical motifs. A fusion of historical luxury and retro-futuristic design ensures an atmosphere that is both comfortable and visually captivating. Venue Highlights: 1. Immersive Environment: - The exterior facade resembles an ornate steam train station, complete with a locomotive and carriages that evoke a sense of nostalgia and adventure. - Inside, the restaurant's rooms are divided into a series of connected dining cars, each offering a distinct thematic experience bursting with steampunk inventions and interactive elements. - Ambient sounds of a working steam train, including the chugging engine and occasional whistle, complete the aural experience. 2. Fantastical Dining Cars: - The "Clockwork Carriage" is filled with intricate timepiece mechanisms that come to life in a mesmerizing dance of cogs and wheels. - The "Airship Lounge" features a lighter-than-air fantasy with propellers and navigational maps, where guests can enjoy pre-dinner cocktails. - The "Inventor's Observatory" offers a stargazing experience with a retractable glass ceiling revealing the steampunk cosmos engineered with moving celestial bodies. 3. Interactive Elements: - Guests can use periscopes installed at their tables to sneak glimpses into other dining cars or observe the outside scenery, which utilizes a combination of practical effects and projection mapping to mimic a moving landscape. - Steam-powered automatons serve drinks and perform for guests, adding to the otherworldly experience. 4. Culinary Delights: - The menu reflects the steampunk ethos, featuring traditional dishes reimagined with creative presentations, such as "Cogs and Sprockets Pie" or "Vapor-Infused Steaks." - Each dish is a work of art, with an emphasis on locally sourced ingredients and novel flavor combinations designed to surprise and delight. - Special attention is given to themed cocktails and beverages, like the "Smoking Locomotive" or the "Elixir of Aether," which use dry ice, infusions, and inventive glassware. 5. Entertainment: - Throughout the dining experience, guests are treated to live performances such as illusionists, automatons playing instruments, and short skits depicting tales of steampunk adventures. - Periodic "train robberies" or "time-traveling mishaps" heighten the dining adventure with light-hearted, interactive scenarios involving the guests. Conclusion: The Steampunk Express Gastro Adventure offers not just a meal, but an escapade into a world of grandeur and oddities powered by steam and imagination. It provides a unique experience that tantalizes the senses and transports diners to a time that never was, but one that will live on in their memories long after the last course has been served.
answer:Привет! Как я могу помочь вам сегодня?
question:Нарисуй картину
answer:Простите за путаницу, но, к сожалению, интерфейс, в котором мы сейчас общаемся, не поддерживает создание изображений. Я могу помочь вам советом, описанием процесса рисования или информацией о том, как нарисовать что-либо. Если вам нужен пример изображения или шаги по рисованию чего-то конкретного, я могу предоставить вам инструкции или описания.