answer:克隆技术引发了诸多的道德伦理问题,主要包括以下方面: 1.人的尊严和价值:克隆技术是否剥夺了人的独特性和尊严?克隆出的人是否和原版人相同,是否具有相同的意识和权利?如果克隆技术被滥用,会不会增加人类对“复制品”的歧视? 2.家庭和社会关系:克隆一个人会对原版人和他们在家庭、社会中的关系产生什么影响?如果克隆一个人的动机是为了填补生命中的空缺、满足个人愿望或目的,那么这样的行为是否合适? 3.遗传多样性:克隆技术会影响人类遗传的多样性,因为克隆出来的人具有与原版人相同的基因组。若大量地使用克隆技术,那么将会增加人类遗传多样性的风险。 4.法律和政策问题:克隆技术的应用已经引起了各国政府的关注,因为它可能违反法律和伦理标准。政府是否应该考虑要限制克隆技术的使用,甚至全面禁止? 综上所述,克隆技术不仅具有极高的科技含量和潜在应用价值,同时也带来了诸多的道德伦理问题需要我们认真思考。
question:ok, look, next problem. when gpt sends messages to me, message fragments that contain code are formatted in <code> with class="hljs language-undefined" or class="language-css hljs" or whatever. inside the original message it looks like "`.preformatted`" or like "```css .gpt-message .content p { color: #FFFFFF; line-height: 1.6; /* Added this line to increase space between lines */ } ```" I need to make fragments with one quote ` bold, and code fragments with three quotes ```, such as ``` css or ``` python or something else, are done as they are now here's my function in chat.js: const ask_gpt = async (message) => { try { message_input.value = ``; message_input.innerHTML = ``; message_input.innerText = ``; add_conversation(window.conversation_id, message.substr(0, 20)); window.scrollTo(0, 0); window.controller = new AbortController(); jailbreak = document.getElementById("jailbreak"); model = document.getElementById("model"); prompt_lock = true; window.text = ``; window.token = message_id(); stop_generating.classList.remove(`stop_generating-hidden`); // User message message_box.innerHTML += ` <div class="message user-message"> <div class="user"> {user_image} </div> <div class="content" id="user_{token}"> <div class="preformatted">{format(message)}</div> </div> </div> `; /* .replace(/(?:rn|r|n)/g, '<br>') */ message_box.scrollTop = message_box.scrollHeight; window.scrollTo(0, 0); await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 500)); window.scrollTo(0, 0); // GPT message message_box.innerHTML += ` <div class="message gpt-message"> <div class="user"> {gpt_image} </div> <div class="content" id="gpt_{window.token}"> <div id="cursor"></div> </div> </div> `; message_box.scrollTop = message_box.scrollHeight; window.scrollTo(0, 0); await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1000)); window.scrollTo(0, 0); const response = await fetch(`/backend-api/v2/conversation`, { method: `POST`, signal: window.controller.signal, headers: { "content-type": `application/json`, accept: `text/event-stream`, }, body: JSON.stringify({ conversation_id: window.conversation_id, action: `_ask`, model: model.options[model.selectedIndex].value, jailbreak: jailbreak.options[jailbreak.selectedIndex].value, meta: { id: window.token, content: { conversation: await get_conversation(window.conversation_id), internet_access: document.getElementById("switch").checked, content_type: "text", parts: [ { content: message, role: "user", }, ], }, }, }), }); const reader = response.body.getReader(); while (true) { const { value, done } = await; if (done) break; chunk = new TextDecoder().decode(value); if ( chunk.includes( `<form id="challenge-form" action="/backend-api/v2/conversation?` ) ) { chunk = `cloudflare token expired, please refresh the page.`; } text += chunk; // const objects = chunk.match(/({.+?})/g); // try { if (JSON.parse(objects[0]).success === false) throw new Error(JSON.parse(objects[0]).error) } catch (e) {} // objects.forEach((object) => { // console.log(object) // try { text += h2a(JSON.parse(object).content) } catch(t) { console.log(t); throw new Error(t)} // }); document.getElementById(`gpt_{window.token}`).innerHTML = markdown.render(text); document.querySelectorAll(`code`).forEach((el) => { hljs.highlightElement(el); }); window.scrollTo(0, 0); message_box.scrollTo({ top: message_box.scrollHeight, behavior: "auto" }); } // if text contains : if ( text.includes( `instead. Maintaining this website and API costs a lot of money` ) ) { document.getElementById(`gpt_{window.token}`).innerHTML = "An error occured, please reload / refresh cache and try again."; } add_message(window.conversation_id, "user", message); add_message(window.conversation_id, "assistant", text); message_box.scrollTop = message_box.scrollHeight; await remove_cancel_button(); prompt_lock = false; await load_conversations(20, 0); window.scrollTo(0, 0); } catch (e) { add_message(window.conversation_id, "user", message); message_box.scrollTop = message_box.scrollHeight; await remove_cancel_button(); prompt_lock = false; await load_conversations(20, 0); console.log(e); let cursorDiv = document.getElementById(`cursor`); if (cursorDiv) cursorDiv.parentNode.removeChild(cursorDiv); if ( != `AbortError`) { let error_message = `oops ! something went wrong, please try again / reload. [stacktrace in console]`; document.getElementById(`gpt_{window.token}`).innerHTML = error_message; add_message(window.conversation_id, "assistant", error_message); } else { document.getElementById(`gpt_{window.token}`).innerHTML += ` [aborted]`; add_message(window.conversation_id, "assistant", text + ` [aborted]`); } window.scrollTo(0, 0); } };
answer:To achieve the desired behavior, you can change the `format` function to handle the single backtick (for bold text) and triple backtick (for code blocks) cases separately. I have modified the `format` function below: ```javascript function format(str) { const code_block_regex = /(```(w*)n[sS]*?```)/g; const inline_code_regex = /(`[^`n]+`)/g; // Replace triple backtick code blocks str = str.replace(code_block_regex, (match, p1, p2) => { const language = p2 || 'undefined'; const code = match.substring(3 + p2.length, match.length - 3).trim(); return `<pre><code class="hljs language-{language}">{code}</code></pre>`; }); // Replace single backtick inline code with bold text str = str.replace(inline_code_regex, (match) => { const text = match.substring(1, match.length - 1); return `<b>{text}</b>`; }); return str; } ``` Use this modified `format` function in your existing code to format the user's messages and GPT messages. This function will replace triple backtick code blocks with the appropriate `<pre><code>` tags and replace single backtick inline code with bold text. With the changes applied above, the text inside single backticks will appear as bold, and the code blocks with triple backticks will remain unchanged.
question:Make a random 1-line sentence with a quote and TFOU says it to TFWA.
answer:"TFOU once said, 'life is too short to not eat pizza,' to TFWA who promptly ordered a large pepperoni and mushroom pie."
question:Turn it into part of a paragraph with the quote.
answer:As the two friends sat down at the local pizzeria, TFOU couldn't help but comment on the delicious aroma filling the air. "Life is too short to not eat pizza," TFOU exclaimed with a grin on their face, causing TFWA to laugh. They quickly placed their order for a large pepperoni and mushroom pie, eagerly anticipating the first bite. As they waited for their order to arrive, TFOU reminisced about all the good times they've had over a hot slice of pizza, from late-night study sessions to post-game celebrations. For TFOU, pizza represented more than just a meal, it was a symbol of friendship and happiness.