question:< 조커 (9) > ‘조커(Joker)’가 ‘에미상’ 레드카펫을 밟아? 안가복 감독의 대답에 강우진은 인지했다. '오- '컬럼비아 스튜디오'가 OK를 내렸나 보지?' 솔직히 예상 밖이었다. 아니, 큰 기대를 안 했다 말해야 하나? 일전에는 상황에 따라서 꽤 기세 높게 밀어붙이 긴 했다만, 총괄 프로듀서 노라 포스터의 반대도 있었고 진짜 이게 될까? 싶었기 때문. ‘에미상'의 판도 어마무 시한데, 거기에 '조커(Joker)'로 간다는 게 미친 짓인 걸 강우진도 잘 알고 있었다. 허나 ‘컬럼비아 스튜디오’가 그 미친 짓에 동조했다. ‘뭐여, 영화사 시원시원하니 마음에 드네.’ 이렇게 되면 노라 포스터만 새 된 건가? 뭐 그녀는 그녀 나름대로 ‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생'을 걱정했을 것이다. ᆞ 시네마틱 유니버스’도. 모두의 생각이 같을 순 없지. 어쨌든 우진은 꽤 기쁜 마음으로 변했지만 겉으로는 위엄 을 유지했다. “그렇습니까?” 짧은 답변에 핸드폰 너머 안가복 감독이 옅게 웃었다. “허허, 꽤 큰 건이었는데 역시나 잔잔한 리액션이군. 세계에 ‘조커(Joker)'의 첫 티저를 현실에서 보여주는 거 야, 난 점점 흥분되는데 말이지.” “저도 그렇습니다.” “그래. 그렇다고 치자고, 대신에 컬럼비아 스튜디오'는 자네가 말했던 부분까지만 허락했어, '조커(Joker)'의 의상과 헤어까지만. 그 이상이면 뭐든지 함구해야 되네. 영화의 제목이나 내용도.” 당연하다는 듯 강우진이 고개를 끄덕였다. “그럴 셈입니다.” “다만, 그리 당당하게 행차했는데 쏟아지는 질문에 아무것도 말하지 않으면 안 되니까- ‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생' 관련 ·시네마틱 유니버스’의 서막을 맡은 빌런이다 정도는 괜찮지 싶어.” 즉, 궁금증이 터지는 구간에서 딱 멈추라는 것. 당연히 강우진도 그 이상 뭔가를 할 생각은 없었다. 그 이상 나 대면 오히려 경박스러우며 가볍게 보인다. “네, 알겠습니다 감독님.” 우진의 대답 뒤 잠시간 침묵하던 안가복 감독이 말했다. ".....기대되는군, ‘조커(Joker)’의 티저를 본 모든 사람들의 반응이.” 진심을 전한 안가복 감독이 이래저래 말을 추가하다가 전화를 끊었다. 천천히 핸드폰을 내린 강우진은 앞으 로 있을 ‘에미상'을 상상해봤다. 방송계의 ‘아카데미상’이라 부를 정도다. 대충 생각해도 칸 영화제를 넘는 규모 일 게 빤했고, 우진이 검색해본 바로는 최소 두 배는 큰 시상식이었다. 그러다 문득. “와- 씨, 나 좀 변했네 확실히.” 자신의 변화가 새삼 황당한 강우진이었다. 과거였다면 미칠 듯 뛰는 심장박동에 컨셉질 유지에 최선을 다했 을 테지만, 지금은 퍼포먼스에 심지어 재미까지 챙기고 있으니 말이다. 뭐 여전히 알맹이 강우진은 신기함이나 긴장감이 없는 건 아니었지만, 확실히 3년이란 시간과 ‘아공간’은 그를 바꿔놨다. 아마 시간이 지난다면 더욱 성장하겠지. 이어. -스윽. 미소 머금은 강우진이 내렸던 핸드폰을 다시 들었다. 곧 만날 최성건에게 전화하기 위함이었다. “대표님, ‘조커(Joker)’ 의상과 똑같은 거 하나 준비해주세요.” 약 1시간 뒤. 스케줄 이동을 위해 강우진이 커다란 승합차에 몸을 실었다. 차 안의 최성건이나 한예정 등의 팀원들은 모두 상기된 얼굴이었고. “오빠! ‘조커(Joker)’ 의상으로 ‘에미상’ 가는 거 진짜 허락 떨어진 거예요??!" 특히 스타일리스트 팀이 흥분했다. 다들 명품 브랜드의 턱시도나 정장을 생각하고 있었으니 당연. 이어 차가 출발하자마자 파란 단발을 묶은 한예정이 강우진에게 물었다. “그럼 우리는 ‘조커(Joker)’ 의상 하고 턱시도, 이렇게 두 가지 준비하면 되죠?” “맞아." 조수석에 앉은 꽁지머리 최성건이 끼었다. '조커(Joker)' 의상은 ‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생' 쪽 의상팀이랑 소통해. 근데 아마 여분이 있을 거다, 그거 그대로 받아도 돼. 더 꾸밀 것도 없어.” 고개를 끄덕인 한예정 뒤로 왁자지껄한 팀원들의 주제가 바뀌었다. ‘투나잇 쇼’ 관련으로 터지는. 『LA TIME/‘투나잇 쇼' 출연 강우진, “에미상, 다른 후보들 안중에도 없다” 선언』 기사들이었다. “미쳤나 봐요, 기사 엄청 뜬다!” “그럴 만하지! 우진 오빠가 직접 선포한 건데!” “근데 좀 세게 나간 거 아닌가?? 걱정돼요, 안 그래도 악플이 좀 많았는데.” “이쪽 기자들 진짜 작정하고 물어뜯는데요??" 강우진은 순간, 며칠 전 ·투나잇 쇼'에서의 자신이 뱉은 말을 상기했다. ·주변을 둘러볼 생각은 없습니다.” 망할, 와전돼도 한참 됐다. 난 그냥 내 포부나 욕심 같은 걸 컨셉질 붙여 말한 것뿐이라고. 하지만 헐리웃은 멋대로 판단했고 결론 내렸 다. 이미 어느 정도 강우진의 거만함, 또는 ‘개썅마이웨이' 이미지가 녹아든 결과겠지. 그 시작은 100% 칸 영화 제의 노빠꾸 수상소감부터. 그 빌드업이 여기까지 굴러왔다. 뭐가됐든 강우진은 아닌 척하며 지금 순간에도 파생되는 외신 기사들을 확인했다. 『BBX/'에미상' 남우주연상 후보 강우진, ‘투나잇 쇼'에서 다른 후보 배우들 겨냥한 견제』 『ABY/"주변을 둘러볼 생각은 없습니다”, 강우진의 기세등등한 발언』 『NT/다른 후보 배우들 안중에도 없다는 강우진, 자신감인가 객기인가』 흡사 반쯤 미친 듯이 기사들이 쏟아지고 있었다. 그뿐인가? 이미 해외 각종 커뮤니티에는 강우진을 주제로 씹고 뜯고 즐기는 중. -다른 후보 배우들이 안중에도 없다니...너무 건방진거 같은데 -강우진은 반쯤 미친 것 같아, 예전에도 아카데미상을 무시한 발언을 했었잖아? -헐리웃에서 꽤 이름을 날리고 있으니까 기분에 취한 거지 -난 그의 캐릭터가 마음에 들어 정말 주변 시선 따위 신경도 안 쓰는 미친놈 같거든 -이건 그냥 생각이 짧은 거지, 가뜩이나 말이 많은 배운데 -하지만 이로운 악에서의 강우진 연기는 확실히 인상적이야 물론 액션도 -한국배우로서 홀로 서는데 이 정도의 배짱은 있어야지 -이게 무슨 배짱이야? 그냥 또라이지 진창이 따로 없다. 핸드폰 화면을 보는 강우진은 무심함이 짙었지만 속내로는 꽤 투덜대고 있었다. ‘아니, 씨 내가 언제 안중에도 없다고 그랬냐고?? 어? 언제?' 이쯤 마찬가지로 핸드폰으로 모니터링 중이던 최성건이 우진에게 말을 걸었다. “흠- 뭐, 예상대로 시끌벅적하네. 너가 원하는 그림대로 나오는 중이긴 하다.” "....." “근데 좀 과하게 시끄럽긴 해. 어떻게, 정정 기사 하나 쏠까?” 되물음에 속으론 한숨을 내쉰 강우진은 쎈척을 강화시켰다. “아니요, 그냥 두겠습니다.” 이제사 주워 담아봐야 의미가 없으니까. 이후. 오전 너튜브 촬영을 마친 강우진은 정오를 조금 넘긴 시각에 ‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생, 촬영 세트장에 도착했다. 우진이 도착하자 안가복 감독을 시작으로 외국인 키스탭들이 몰려들었다. 뭐겠는가? 지금 헐리웃을 뒤덮고 있 는 강우진의 이슈 때문이었다. 강우진은 대충 30분 이상은 그들에게 잡혀 있었고, '먼가 벌써 피곤하네, 아우- 안 되겠다 아공간 한번 조져야지.' 트레일러에 들어서자마자 강우진은 아공간을 이용했다. 여전히 아공간은 평온했다. 충분히 휴식을 취한 그 는 곧바로 촬영에 돌입했다. “액션" 참고로 ‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생' 촬영은 벌써 3주째였다. 따라서 강우진 솔로 씬 촬영에서 점차 다른 배우들의 컷도 늘어나는 중, 덕분에 우진의 촬영 시간이 줄어들거나 대기하는 시간도 증가했다. 하지만 곧 다른 배우들과 강우진의 붙는 씬이 추가된다. 그건 크리스 하트넷도 포함이었다. 안가복 감독이 촬영 콘티를 일부러 그렇게 짰다. 8월까진 세트 촬영이 주를 이루기에 배우들의 솔로 컷이 많 고, 그 뒤부터는 로케(야외) 촬영이 합쳐지면서 투샷이나 떼샷 등이 늘어나는 스케줄. 아침의 이슈들은 잊고 강우진은 어느새 촬영에 집중했다. 그것이 다른 이들에겐. “와우, 우진씨 이렇게 큰 폭탄을 터트렸는데 전혀 신경도 안 쓰이나 본데요? 전혀 흔들림이 없어.” "진짜 '안중에도 없다'는 것처럼 보이는구만.” “하여튼 캐릭터 하나는 독보적이야.” "그만큼 스타성이 폭발적이잖아요. 솔직히 난 이렇게 헐리웃을 하루걸러 뒤집는 배우 본 적 없습니다.” 의연하거나 별수롭지 않게 보였다. 뒤로 이틀 정도가 흘렀지만 강우진의 자세는 변함이 없었다. 이런 일이 자주 있었기에 금세 까먹은 것. 허나 해외 언론과 여론은 더더욱 가열차게 변했다. 헐리웃의 배우들이나 여러 인물들 역시 강우진을 주제로 떠들기 바빴다. 특히, 우진이 언급한 ‘에미상’ 남우주연상의 다른 후보들의 반응이 재밌었다. 강우진을 제외한 4명. 누구는 황당해했고. “이 발언은 볼 때마다 어이가 없어, 어떻게 헐리웃 진출 1년도 안 돼서 이렇게 나댈 수 있지?" "신경 쓰지 마, 그냥 꼴에 신경전을 펼친 것일 테니까.” 누구는 과하게 빡쳤으며. “대체 뭐야 이 자식! 뭐? 다른 후보들이 안중에도 없어?? 이렇게 건방진 놈은 처음이야! 당장 얘를 겨냥한 기 사 좀 쏴! 나도 네깟 놈 신경 안 쓴다고!” 반대로 누군 강우진을 인정하거나. “강우진 그는 언뜻 성격이 괴팍해 보이는데, 그것을 상쇄하는 능력과 실력을 가졌어. ‘이로운 악’에서 보인 연 기와 액션도 기가 막혔고, 헐리웃 '빅 파이브' 영화사들이 달려든 이유가 있지, 나는 친해지고 싶은데?" 그저 크게 웃기도 했다. “하하하! 이 친구 정말 또라이가 맞구만??" 이렇듯 헐리웃이 뜨겁게 달아오른 채로 6월이 끝났고 7월이 밝았다. 7월 1일 금요일. 그러나 7월이 시작됐음에도 헐리웃은 잠잠하지 않았다. 이쯤 LA의 5만 평 규모의 세트장인 ‘spt 스튜디오’는 뭔가 어마무시한 게 완성되고 있었다. 수백 외국인들이 공사하기 바빴다. ‘야수와 미녀’의 초대형 세트장이었다. 그런 세트장에 머리가 반쯤 벗겨진, 코끝에 검은색 뿔테 안경을 걸친 늙은 외국인 남자가 등장했다. ‘야수와 미녀'의 감독 빌 로트너였다. 물론, 그의 뒤로는 여러 키스탭들이 함께였다. “가지." 빌 로트너 감독은 언뜻 판타지 세상을 방불케 하는 초거대 세트 세상으로 진입했다. 시작은 현대가 아닌 과거 의 마을처럼 보이는 곳. 여기서 빌 로트너 감독은 ‘미녀 벨라’를 떠올렸다. 다음은 성이었다. 한눈에 봐도 꽤 웅 장한 느낌. 이곳에서는 ‘야수’와 ‘왕자’를 상기하는 빌 로트너 감독. ".....좋군." 지금 그와 외국인 키스탭들은 거의 완성에 가까운, 무시무시하게 방대한 ‘야수와 미녀' 세트장에 마지막 점 검을 나온 차였다. 이미 프리 프로덕션 단계 중 세트를 제외하면 모든 게 끝났다. 즉, 세트가 완성되는 즉시 다음 단계로 넘어간다는 뜻. 빌 로트너 감독은 키스탭들과 함께 공사 막바지인 세트장을 대략 1시간 정도 돌았다. 중간중간 미비된 것에 관한 지시도 잊지 않았고, 점검의 마지막 종착지는 피아노가 놓인 커다란 연회장이었 다. 강우진의 오디션이 있었던 곳. 그때보다 연회장은 몇 배는 더 화려해졌다. 기둥이나 바닥의 각종 문양들이 선명해졌고, 천장의 샹들리에도 배는 늘었다. 추가로 실크로 된 천들도 즐비하게 붙었다. 특이한 것은. “음- 저 세팅도 잘 되고 있군.” 지금 빌 로트너 감독이 말한 것처럼, 황금색 문양이 다채로운 피아노 앞쪽의 연회장 중앙에 ᄆ자 책상이 놓였 다는 것. 심지어 놓인 의자들은 현대식이 아닌, 이 판타지 세계의 연회장과 어울리는 디자인이었다. 얼추 30명 은 가뿐히 앉을 정도의 의자들. 언뜻 세트 연회장에 추가된 연출인가 싶지만 아니었다. 저 책상과 의자들은. “저렇게 놓고 보니 ‘대본리딩’ 준비가 아니라, 마치 이 연회장에 원래도 있던 것들 같군.” ‘야수와 미녀’의 대본리딩을 위해 설치된 것이었다. 즉, ‘야수와 미녀' 대본리딩장은 바로 이 세트 연회장이었 다. 잠시간 저 책상에 자리할 강우진이나 마일리 카라, 마리아 아르마스 등의 배우들을 상기하던 빌 로트너 감 독이. -스윽. 뒤쪽의 제작진 인원들에게 말했다. “배우들에게 확정 대본리딩날 전달합시다.” < 조커 (9) > 끝
answer:< Joker (9) > Joker on the Emmy red carpet? Kang Woo-jin realized what Director Ahn Ga-bok meant by that. "Oh- Columbia Studio gave the OK, huh?" Honestly, it was unexpected. Or rather, should I say I didn't have high hopes? Previously, depending on the situation, I pushed forward quite aggressively, but there was opposition from executive producer Nora Foster, and I really wondered if this could actually happen. The scale of the Emmys is enormous, and going there as 'Joker' seemed like madness, which Kang Woo-jin was well aware of. However, Columbia Studio had agreed to this madness. "What, the film company is refreshingly to my liking." Does this mean only Nora Foster is left out in the cold? Well, she must have had her own concerns about 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain'. And the 'Cinematic Universe' too. Not everyone can think the same. Anyway, Woo-jin was quite happy, but he maintained his dignity on the outside. "Is that so?" With a short reply, Director Ahn Ga-bok chuckled lightly over the phone. "Heh, it was quite a big deal, but as expected, your reaction is calm. We're showing the world the first teaser of 'Joker' in reality, and I'm getting more and more excited." "Me too." "Good. Let's say that's the case, but Columbia Studio only approved up to the part you mentioned, just the costume and hair of 'Joker'. Anything beyond that, you have to keep quiet. Not even the title or content of the movie." Kang Woo-jin nodded as if it were obvious. "That's the plan." "However, if you march in so confidently and then say nothing in response to the barrage of questions, that won't do—saying that the 'Joker' costume is related to the villain who starts the 'Cinematic Universe' should be fine." In other words, stop right where curiosity explodes. Naturally, Kang Woo-jin had no intention of doing anything more. If he did, it would seem frivolous and taken lightly. "Yes, I understand, Director." After Woo-jin's response, there was a brief silence, and then Director Ahn Ga-bok spoke. ".....I'm looking forward to it, the reaction of everyone who sees the teaser of 'Joker'." Director Ahn Ga-bok, who had conveyed his sincerity, added a few more words and then hung up the phone. Kang Woo-jin, who had slowly put down his phone, imagined the upcoming Emmys. It's called the 'Academy Awards of the broadcasting industry'. Even a rough guess suggested it was a ceremony bigger than the Cannes Film Festival, and according to Woo-jin's research, it was at least twice as large. Then suddenly. "Wow- shit, I've definitely changed." Kang Woo-jin was astonished by his own transformation. In the past, he would have been frantic with excitement and focused on maintaining his concept, but now he was even enjoying the performance. Of course, the core Kang Woo-jin still felt wonder and tension, but the three years and the 'Subspace' had certainly changed him. Perhaps he would grow even more as time passed. Then. -Swish. With a smile, Kang Woo-jin picked up his phone again. It was to call Choi Seong-geon, whom he would meet soon. "President, please prepare one outfit exactly like the 'Joker'." About an hour later. Kang Woo-jin boarded a large van for a schedule move. The team members inside, like Choi Seong-geon and Han Ye-jeong, all had excited faces. "Brother! Is it really confirmed that you're going to the Emmys in the 'Joker' costume?!" Especially the stylist team was excited. Naturally, they had all been thinking of tuxedos or suits from luxury brands. Then, as soon as the car started, Han Ye-jeong, with her blue bob tied up, asked Kang Woo-jin. "So, we just need to prepare two things, the 'Joker' costume and the tuxedo, right?" "Right." Choi Seong-geon, sitting in the passenger seat with a ponytail, joined in. "Communicate with the costume team from 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain' for the 'Joker' costume. But there should be spares, you can just take those as is. No need for further embellishment." After Han Ye-jeong nodded, the team members' topic changed to the "Tonight Show" related. 『LA TIME/'Tonight Show' guest Kang Woo-jin declares, "I don't even consider the other Emmy nominees"』 The articles were about that. "Are you crazy, the articles are exploding!" "That's to be expected! Brother Woo-jin declared it himself!" "But didn't he go a bit too far?? I'm worried, there were already a lot of negative comments." "These reporters really tear you apart, don't they??" Kang Woo-jin momentarily recalled the words he had uttered on the 'Tonight Show' a few days ago. "I have no intention of looking around." Damn, it's been twisted too far. I just expressed my ambition and desire with a bit of concept. But Hollywood judged on its own and came to a conclusion. Already, Kang Woo-jin's arrogance, or 'my way or the highway' image, had seeped in, starting 100% from his no-nonsense acceptance speech at the Cannes Film Festival. That buildup had rolled up to here. Regardless, Kang Woo-jin checked the foreign articles that were still being derived from that moment, pretending not to care. 『BBX/Emmy Best Actor nominee Kang Woo-jin, 'Tonight Show' targets other nominee actors with his remarks』 『ABY/"I have no intention of looking around," Kang Woo-jin's bold statement』 『NT/Kang Woo-jin says other nominee actors are not even in his sight, is it confidence or arrogance?』 The articles were pouring out as if half-crazed. Not only that, but various international online communities were already chewing up and enjoying the topic of Kang Woo-jin. -He says other nominee actors are not even in his sight... seems too arrogant -Kang Woo-jin seems half-crazy, he made dismissive remarks about the Academy Awards before, right? -He's made a name for himself in Hollywood, so he's drunk on his own success -I like his character, he really seems like a crazy guy who doesn't care about anyone else's gaze -This is just short-sighted, especially since he's already controversial -But Kang Woo-jin's acting in 'Beneficial Evil' was definitely impressive, of course, the action too -As a Korean actor standing alone, he needs to have this kind of backbone -What backbone? He's just crazy It was a mess. Kang Woo-jin, looking at his phone screen, was indifferent, but internally he was grumbling quite a bit. "No, shit, when did I ever say they're not even in my sight?? Huh? When?" At that moment, Choi Seong-geon, who was also monitoring on his phone, spoke to Woo-jin. "Hmm- well, it's as noisy as expected. It's turning out just like you wanted." "....." "But it's a bit too noisy. What do you think, should we release a correction article?" Kang Woo-jin, who had internally sighed, strengthened his pretense. "No, let's just leave it." There was no point in trying to collect it now. Afterward. After finishing the morning YouTube shoot, Kang Woo-jin arrived at the 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain' set just past noon. Upon his arrival, Director Ahn Ga-bok and the foreign key staff flocked to him. What for? Because of the current issue surrounding Kang Woo-jin in Hollywood. Kang Woo-jin was caught up with them for at least 30 minutes, and then, "Man, I'm already tired, ugh- I need to mess with the Subspace." As soon as he entered the trailer, Kang Woo-jin used the Subspace. The Subspace was still peaceful. After taking enough rest, he immediately started shooting. "Action!" By the way, the shooting of 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain' had already been going on for three weeks. Therefore, the number of cuts with other actors was gradually increasing in Kang Woo-jin's solo scene shoots, reducing his shooting time or increasing his waiting time. However, soon there would be additional scenes where other actors and Kang Woo-jin would clash. That included Chris Hartnett. Director Ahn Ga-bok had deliberately arranged the shooting schedule that way. Until August, set shooting would be the main focus, with many solo cuts for the actors, and afterwards, location (outdoor) shooting would be combined, increasing two-shots and group shots. Kang Woo-jin forgot about the morning's issues and was soon focused on shooting. To others, it seemed. "Wow, Woo-jin is so unfazed by dropping such a big bomb? He's not shaken at all." "Really looks like he doesn't care, as if 'not even in his sight'." "Anyway, his character is unique." "His star power is explosive. Honestly, I've never seen an actor who turns Hollywood upside down every other day." He appeared calm or not particularly bothered. Two days passed, but Kang Woo-jin's attitude remained unchanged. Such incidents had happened often, so he quickly forgot about them. However, the foreign media and public opinion became even more heated. Hollywood actors and various figures were also busy talking about Kang Woo-jin. Especially, the reactions of the other Best Actor nominees for the Emmys that Woo-jin mentioned were interesting. The four excluding Kang Woo-jin. Some were dumbfounded. "This statement is ridiculous every time I see it, how can he be so brazen when he hasn't even been in Hollywood for a year?" "Don't worry about it, it's just a show of nerve." Some were extremely angry. "What the hell is this guy! What? The other nominees are not even in his sight?? I've never seen someone so arrogant! Write an article targeting him right now! I don't care about that guy either!" Conversely, some acknowledged Kang Woo-jin. "Kang Woo-jin may seem quirky at first glance, but he has the ability and talent to offset that. His acting and action in 'Beneficial Evil' were amazing, and there's a reason why the 'Big Five' film companies in Hollywood rushed to him. I want to be friends with him, you know?" And some just laughed it off. "Ha ha ha! This guy is really crazy, isn't he?" Thus, Hollywood heated up as June ended and July began. July 1st, Friday. However, even as July began, Hollywood was not quiet. By this time, the 50,000 square foot set of 'spt Studio' in LA was completing something tremendous. Hundreds of foreigners were busy working on it. It was the massive set for 'Beauty and the Beast'. An old foreign man with half his hair gone and black-rimmed glasses on his nose appeared on the set. It was Bill Rotner, the director of 'Beauty and the Beast'. Of course, several key staff members were with him. "Let's go." Director Bill Rotner entered the colossal set that seemed like a fantasy world. It started with a place that looked like a village from the past, not the present. Here, Bill Rotner thought of 'Bella the Beauty'. Next was the castle. It looked quite majestic at a glance. In this place, Bill Rotner remembered the 'Beast' and the 'Prince'. ".....Good." Now he and the foreign key staff were checking the nearly completed, terrifyingly vast set of 'Beauty and the Beast' for the last time. Everything except the set was finished during the pre-production stage. That is, as soon as the set was completed, they would move on to the next stage. Bill Rotner and the key staff walked around the set, which was in the final stages of construction, for about an hour. He did not forget to give instructions on anything that was lacking, and the last stop of the inspection was the large ballroom with a piano. The place where Kang Woo-jin had his audition. The ballroom was several times more splendid than before. The various patterns on the pillars and floor were clearer, and the number of chandeliers on the ceiling had doubled. Additionally, silk cloths were also abundantly attached. What was peculiar was. "Hmm- that setting is also going well." As Director Bill Rotner just mentioned, in front of the golden-patterned piano, in the center of the ballroom, there was an ᄆ-shaped table. Even the chairs placed there were not modern, but designed to match the ballroom of this fantasy world. There were enough chairs for at least 30 people to sit comfortably. At first glance, it seemed like an additional production for the set ballroom, but it wasn't. Those tables and chairs were. "Looking at it like this, it doesn't seem like preparation for 'script reading', but rather like these things were originally part of this ballroom." They were set up for the script reading of 'Beauty and the Beast'. In other words, the script reading venue for 'Beauty and the Beast' was this set ballroom. Director Bill Rotner, who had been thinking about actors like Kang Woo-jin, Miley Kara, and Maria Armas who would soon sit at that table, -Swish. Spoke to the production team members behind him. "Let's deliver the confirmed script reading date to the actors." < Joker (9) > End
question:industrial accidents in the last 20 years due to non maintenance of sustainability aspects
answer:While I can't provide a comprehensive list of all industrial accidents in the last 20 years due to non-maintenance of sustainability aspects, I can offer a few notable examples that highlight the potential consequences of neglecting sustainability: 1. **Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, 2010**: In the Gulf of Mexico, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, resulting in the death of 11 workers and the largest marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry. The disaster was attributed to several factors, including the failure of a concrete core used to seal the well for later use. 2. **Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster, 2011**: Following a major earthquake and tsunami, Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant experienced a series of equipment failures, nuclear meltdowns, and releases of radioactive materials. The disaster raised questions about the sustainability and safety practices of nuclear power plants, especially in areas prone to natural disasters. 3. **Savar Building Collapse, 2013**: In Bangladesh, the eight-story Rana Plaza building collapsed due to structural failure, killing more than 1,100 people, many of whom were garment workers. The incident brought global attention to the sustainability of supply chains and the importance of ensuring safe working conditions. 4. **Tianjin Explosions, 2015**: In China, a series of explosions occurred at a container storage station at the Port of Tianjin, caused by improperly stored hazardous chemicals. The blasts killed 173 people and injured hundreds more, leading to concerns about industrial safety regulations and the sustainable management of hazardous materials. 5. **Brumadinho Dam Collapse, 2019**: In Brazil, the collapse of a tailings dam at an iron ore mine released a mudflow that swept through the mine's offices, including a cafeteria during lunchtime, and nearby houses, resulting in the deaths of more than 250 people. The disaster highlighted the risks associated with tailings dams and raised concerns about the sustainability of mining practices. These examples of industrial accidents emphasize the critical importance of maintaining sustainability aspects, such as environmental stewardship, safety standards, and ethical supply chains. Companies increasingly recognize that sustainability is not just about protecting the environment but also about ensuring long-term operational resilience and social responsibility. The incidents underscore the need for rigorous safety measures, corporate oversight, and regulatory compliance to prevent similar tragedies in the future.
question:7 of the World's Deadliest Manufacturing Disasters in the Last 20 Years Collapse of the Rana Plaza. ... Kunshan Explosion. ... Dhaka Fire. ... Pakistan Factory Fires. Seest Fireworks Disaster. ... Glasgow Factory Explosion. ... The Kader Toy Factory Fire. The idea here is to check the ability of the student to construct/present important financial information/strategy details within the given word limit. Evaluation points Explanation of issues Issue/problem to be considered critically is stated clearly and described comprehensively, delivering all relevant information necessary for full understanding. Evidence - Selecting and using the information to investigate a point of view or conclusion - Information is taken from source(s) with enough interpretation/evaluation, to develop a comprehensive analysis or synthesis. The viewpoints of experts are questioned thoroughly. Influence of context and assumptions - Thoroughly (systematically and methodically) analyzes own and others' assumptions and carefully evaluates the relevance of contexts when presenting a position. Student's position (perspective, thesis/hypothesis) - Specific position (perspective, thesis/hypothesis) is imaginative, considering an issue's complexities. Limits of position (perspective, thesis/hypothesis) are acknowledged. Others' points of view are synthesized within position (perspective, thesis/hypothesis). Conclusions and related outcomes (implications and consequences) Conclusions and related outcomes (consequences and implications) are logical and reflect the student’s informed evaluation and ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order. Consider the above and frame a answer for me. Using examples of corporate ESG scandals or Industrial Accidents in the past, write a commentary on how not internalizing the externalities cost these firms dearly. In your opinion, how could the corporation have internalized these costs for value creation?
answer:Understanding the catastrophic consequences of industrial accidents is crucial for analyzing how corporations fail to recognize and internalize the externalities associated with their operations. Accidents such as the collapse of Rana Plaza, the Kunshan explosion, and fires in Dhaka and Pakistan factories represent far more than operational failures; they symbolize systemic neglect of corporate sustainability and governance (ESG) principles. **Issue Explanation:** The underlying issue in these disasters is the corporate disregard for environmental, social, and governance aspects of sustainability. This neglect not only accelerates physical harm and loss of life but also fosters long-term financial, reputational, and legal repercussions for the companies involved. **Evidence Analysis:** A thorough examination of incidents, like the Seest fireworks disaster, Glasgow factory explosion, and Kader toy factory fire, depicts a common thread of inadequate safety standards, poor working conditions, and environmental oversight. Investigations into these disasters frequently uncover that attempts to cut costs and increase short-term profits directly contributed to the events. For instance, the Kader toy factory fire, the deadliest industrial factory fire in history, was largely attributed to substandard building materials, insufficient fire safety measures, and the absence of proper evacuation procedures. Corporate financial reports and external audits post-disaster often reveal that the true cost of these externalities far exceeds any short-term savings. Research and critiques by industry experts emphasize that the adoption of a comprehensive approach to ESG considerations is not only morally imperative but economically beneficial in the long run. **Influence of Context and Assumptions:** The traditional business model assumed that environmental and social governance was secondary to the primary objective of profit maximization. This assumption is increasingly challenged by evidence that shows the sustainability of a business is inextricably linked to its ethical and responsible conduct. For instance, in the wake of the Rana Plaza disaster, global fashion brands faced a consumer backlash and were compelled to reassess supply chain management and commit to increased transparency. **Student's Position:** The thesis posits that internalizing the costs associated with ESG factors is a critical component for value creation within a corporation. An imaginative approach to reconciling profit with sustainability could involve embedding ESG metrics into corporate performance evaluations, thereby incentivizing responsible behavior. Furthermore, recognizing that companies exist within a wider social and environmental ecosystem allows for the acknowledgment of the limitations of a profit-only focused perspective. **Conclusions and Related Outcomes:** Conclusively, neglecting ESG considerations has profoundly negative implications, disrupting lives, environments, finances, and corporate standings. To internalize the external costs effectively, companies must engage in: 1. Rigorous risk assessments to identify potential ESG-related liabilities. 2. Investment in sustainable technologies and processes that may have higher upfront costs but lead to long-term savings and risk mitigation. 3. Transparent reporting and active dialogues with stakeholders to reinforce accountability. 4. Establishing a corporate culture that prioritizes ethical behavior and compliance with international safety and environmental standards. To preclude future disasters and foster long-term value creation, corporations must transition from a paradigm where ESG factors are seen as impositions to one where they are integral components of strategic decision-making and operational excellence.
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