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question:把以下英文翻译成中文:Canada ●American Urological Association (AUA)/Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA): A guideline on the diagnosis and management of recurrent ischemic priapism, priapism in sickle cell patients, and non-ischemic priapism (2022) ●Anemia Institute for Research and Education (AIRE) and Thalassemia Foundation of Canada (TFC): Guidelines for the clinical care of patients with thalassemia in Canada (2009) United States ●European Society for Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR) and Society for Abdominal Radiology (SAR): Review and guidelines on quantification of liver iron overload with MRI (2023) ●American Urological Association (AUA)/Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA): A guideline on the diagnosis and management of recurrent ischemic priapism, priapism in sickle cell patients, and non-ischemic priapism (2022) ●American Society of Hematology (ASH): Guidelines for sickle cell disease – Stem cell transplantation (2021) ●ASH: Guidelines for sickle cell disease – Management of acute and chronic pain (2020) ●ASH: Guidelines for sickle cell disease – Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cerebrovascular disease in children and adults (2020) ●ASH: Guidelines for sickle cell disease – Transfusion support (2020) ●ASH: Guidelines for sickle cell disease – Cardiopulmonary and kidney disease (2019) ●American Thoracic Society (ATS): An official clinical practice guideline on home oxygen therapy for children (2019) ●Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Hemoglobinopathies − Current practices for screening, confirmation and follow-up (2015) ●Thalassemia Clinical Research Network (TCRN): Guidelines for the standard monitoring of patients with thalassemia – Report of the Thalassemia Longitudinal Cohort (2015) ●ATS: An official clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis, risk stratification, and management of pulmonary hypertension of sickle cell disease (2014) ●National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI): Evidence-based management of sickle cell disease − Expert panel report (2014) ●American Heart Association (AHA): Consensus statement on cardiovascular function and treatment in beta-thalassemia major (2013) ●American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (ASBMT): Guidelines for recommended screening and preventive practices for long-term survivors after hematopoietic cell transplantation (2012) Europe ●European Society for Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR) and Society for Abdominal Radiology (SAR): Review and guidelines on quantification of liver iron overload with MRI (2023) ●European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT): Guideline article for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in thalassemia major and sickle cell disease − Indications and management recommendations from an international expert panel (2014) Italy ●Italian Society of Hematology (SIE): Practice guidelines for the management of iron overload in thalassemia major and related disorders (2008) United Kingdom ●Public Health England (PHE): Sickle cell and thalassaemia screening – Commission and provide ●Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI): Guideline on the peri-operative management of patients with sickle cell disease (2021) ●British Society for Haematology (BSH): Guideline for management of sickle cell disease in pregnancy (2021) ●BSH: Position paper on International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine (ICTM) guideline 'Red blood cell specifications for patients with hemoglobinopathies − A systematic review and guideline' (2020) ●BSH: Guidelines for the use of hydroxycarbamide in children and adults with sickle cell disease (2018) ●BSH: Guidelines on red cell transfusion in sickle cell disease − Part I: Principles and laboratory aspects (2016) ●BSH: Guidelines on red cell transfusion in sickle cell disease − Part II: Indications for transfusion (2016) ●National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE): Medical technologies guidance on Spectra Optia for automatic red blood cell exchange in patients with sickle cell disease (2016) ●BSH: Guideline on the management of acute chest syndrome in sickle cell disease (2015) ●NICE: Quality standard on sickle cell disease (2014) ●Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG): Green-top guideline for the management of thalassaemia beta in pregnancy (2014) ●NICE: Clinical guideline on sickle cell disease − Managing acute painful episodes in hospital (2012) ●BSH: Significant haemoglobinopathies − Guidelines for screening and diagnosis (2010)

answer:加拿大 ●美国泌尿科协会(AUA)/北美性医学会(SMSNA):关于反复缺血性勃起不全、镰状细胞病患者勃起不全和非缺血性勃起不全的诊断和治疗指南(2022年) ●贫血研究与教育研究所(AIRE)和加拿大地中海贫血基金会(TFC):加拿大地中海贫血患者临床护理指南(2009年) 美国 ●欧洲肠胃和腹部放射学协会(ESGAR)和腹部放射学协会(SAR):有关使用磁共振成像评估肝铁超负荷的综述和指南(2023年) ●美国泌尿科协会(AUA)/北美性医学会(SMSNA):关于反复缺血性勃起不全、镰状细胞病患者勃起不全和非缺血性勃起不全的诊断和治疗指南(2022年) ●美国血液学会(ASH):镰状细胞病指南-干细胞移植(2021年) ●ASH:镰状细胞病指南-急、慢痛的治疗(2020年) ●ASH:镰状细胞病指南-儿童和成人脑血管疾病的预防、诊断和治疗(2020年) ●ASH:镰状细胞病指南-输血支持(2020年) ●ASH:镰状细胞病指南-心肺和肾脏疾病(2019年) ●美国呼吸病学会(ATS):关于儿童家庭氧疗的官方临床实践指南(2019年) ●公共卫生实验室协会(APHL)和疾病预防控制中心(CDC):血红蛋白病-筛查、确诊和随访的现行做法(2015年) ●镰状细胞病临床研究网络(TCRN):标准监测地中海贫血患者的指南-地中海贫血纵向队列报告(2015年) ●美国胸科学会(ATS):关于诊断、风险分层和管理镰状细胞病患者肺动脉高压的官方临床实践指南(2014年) ●国家心肺血液研究所(NHLBI):镰状细胞病的基于证据的管理-专家小组报告(2014年) ●美国心脏协会(AHA):有关β-地中海贫血重型患者心血管功能和治疗的共识声明(2013年) ●美国血液和骨髓移植协会(ASBMT):骨髓造血干细胞移植后长期幸存者的推荐筛查和预防实践指南(2012年) 欧洲 ●欧洲肠胃和腹部放射学协会(ESGAR)和腹部放射学协会(SAR):有关使用磁共振成像评估肝铁超负荷的综述和指南(2023年) ●欧洲血液和骨髓移植协会(EBMT):关于镰状细胞病大型地中海贫血和造血干细胞移植跨国专家小组指示和管理建议的指南(2014年) 意大利 ●意大利血液学会(SIE):管理重型地中海贫血和相关疾病铁负荷的实践指南(2008年) 英国 ●英国公共卫生署(PHE):对镰状细胞和地中海贫血筛查-委任和提供 ●大不列颠爱尔兰麻醉师协会(AAGBI):关于镰状细胞病患者围手术期管理的指南(2021年) ●英国血液学会(BSH):关于镰状细胞病妊娠管理的指南(2021年) ●BSH:关于国际输血医学合作组织(ICTM)指南“针对血红蛋白病患者的红细胞规范-系统综述和指南”的立场文件(2020年) ●BSH:儿童和成人镰状细胞病氢化腺苷使用指南(2018年) ●BSH:关于镰状细胞病红细胞输血的指南-第I部分:原则和实验室方面(2016年) ●BSH:关于镰状细胞病红细胞输血的指南-第II部分:输血适应

question:أعطني حوار بين شخصين يتحدى فون عن الحب باللغة الكورية ومعناها بالعربية في نفس السطر 50 سطر

answer:Person 1: 너 진짜 사랑을 믿어? (Do you really believe in love?) Translation: هل تؤمن بالحب حقاً؟ Person 2: 네, 물론이지. 사랑은 인생의 가장 아름다운 것 중 하나야. (Yes, of course. Love is one of the most beautiful things in life.) Translation: نعم، بالطبع. الحب هو واحد من أجمل الأشياء في الحياة. Person 1: 그렇게 믿는다면, 어떻게 사랑을 찾을 거야? (If you believe that, how are you going to find love?) Translation: إذا كنت تعتقد ذلك، كيف ستجد الحب؟ Person 2: 사랑은 찾아다니지 않아. 그냥 온라인이나 랜선친구에서 만나게 되지 않을까? (Love doesn't just come to you. Maybe you'll meet someone online or through a virtual friend?) Translation: الحب لا يأتي إليك، ربما ستلتقي شخصًا ما عبر الإنترنت أو عن طريق صديق افتراضي؟ Person 1: 그렇게 안 된다면? (What if it doesn't happen like that?) Translation: ماذا لو لم يحدث هذا الأمر؟ Person 2: 그러면 방법이 없겠지. 그냥 포기해야 할 거야. (Then there's no way. You just have to give up.) Translation: إذًا لا يوجد حل. عليك بالاستسلام. Person 1: 내가 포기할 리 없어. 사랑을 찾을 거야. (I won't give up. I'll find love.) Translation: لن أستسلم، سأجد الحب. Person 2: 그럼 우리 둘이 서로 사랑하자. 예민하고 까칠하지만 너무 좋아. (Then let's love each other. You're sensitive and prickly, but I like you too much.) Translation: إذن لنحب بعضنا البعض. أنت حساس وساحب، لكني أحبك كثيرًا. Person 1: 서로 사랑한다면 내가 너를 어떻게 안 죽이지? (If we love each other, how am I supposed to not kill you?) Translation: إذا كنا نحب بعضنا، كيف سأمنع نفسي من قتلك؟ Person 2: 그런 오글거리는 말 하지마. 서로 지켜보고 함께 걸어보자. (Don't say such cheesy things. Let's watch over each other and walk together.) Translation: لا تقول مثل هذه الأشياء الخشنة. لنراقب بعضنا البعض ونتمشى معًا.

question:اكمل 100

answer:Person 1: 그래... 그럼 우리 함께 하자. (Alright... Let's be together.) Translation: حسناً... دعنا نكون معًا. Person 2: 그럼 우리 첫 데이트는 어디로 갈까? (So where should we go for our first date?) Translation: إذن، أين يجب أن نذهب في موعدنا الأول؟ Person 1: 나는 테마파크를 좋아해. 같이 롤러코스터 타보는 건 어때? (I like theme parks. How about we ride a roller coaster together?) Translation: أنا أحب حدائق الملاهي. ماذا عن ركوب أفعوانية معًا؟ Person 2: 좋아, 그렇게 하자! (Great, let's do that!) Translation: رائع، دعونا نفعل ذلك! Person 1: 이제부터 함께하는 거니까 서로 많이 알아가자. (Now that we're together, let's get to know each other better.) Translation: الآن بما أننا سويًا، دعنا نتعرف على بعضنا البعض بشكل أفضل. Person 2: 그래, 서로 이야기를 많이 나누자. (Alright, let's share stories with each other.) Translation: حسنًا، دعنا نتبادل الحكايات مع بعضنا البعض. Person 1: 난 귀여운 강아지가 좋아. 너는? (I like cute puppies. How about you?) Translation: أنا أحب الجراء اللطيفة. وأنت؟ Person 2: 나는 고양이가 좋아해. 다리도 길어서 멋있잖아. (I like cats. They have long legs, so they look cool.) Translation: أنا أحب القطط. لديهم أرجل طويلة، لذا يبدون رائعين. Person 1: 우리는 서로 완벽하게 맞는 것 같다. (We seem to fit together perfectly.) Translation: يبدو أننا متناسقون تمامًا. Person 2: 맞아, 서로에게 잘 어울린다. (Yeah, we complement each other well.) Translation: نعم، نحن نتكامل بشكل جيد. Person 1: 나와 함께 이제부터 모든 것을 경험해보자. (Let's experience everything together from now on.) Translation: لنجرب كل شيء معًا الآن. Person 2: 그럼 우리 함께 이 세상을 헤쳐나가보자. (Then let's conquer this world together.) Translation: حسنًا، دعنا نتغلب على هذا العالم معًا.


answer:Person 1: 네, 우리 함께 모험을 떠나보자. (Yes, let's go on an adventure together.) Translation: نعم، لنخوض مغامرة معًا. Person 2: 그래, 우리는 어디든 갈 수 있어. (Yeah, we can go anywhere.) Translation: نعم، يمكننا الذهاب إلى أي مكان. Person 1: 그러면 나랑 같이 여행 가기 어때? (Then how about we travel together?) Translation: إذا كان كذلك، ما رأيك في السفر معًا؟ Person 2: 좋아, 여행 계획을 세워보자. (Sounds good, let's plan our trip.) Translation: يبدو جيدًا، دعنا نخطط لرحلتنا. Person 1: 내가 가보고 싶은 곳이 있어. 유러피안 카페에서 커피를 마시며 같이 대화하며 어떨까? (There's a place I want to go. How about we drink coffee at a European-style café and chat together?) Translation: هناك مكان أريد الذهاب إليه. ماذا عن شرب القهوة في مقهى أوروبي والدردشة معًا؟ Person 2: 그것도 좋지만, 나는 자연을 느낄 수 있는 곳에서 캠핑을 하면서 함께하는 게 어때? (That sounds good, but how about we camp together in a place where we can feel nature?) Translation: هذا صحيح لكن، ما رأيك في التخييم في مكان يمكننا فيه الشعور بالطبيعة معًا؟ Person 1: 그것도 좋다. 우리 꼭 그러자. (That sounds good too, let's definitely do that.) Translation: هذا صحيح أيضًا. دعنا نفعل ذلك معًا. Person 2: 우리가 하나가 되어서 함께 인생을 살아보자. (Let's become one and live life together.) Translation: دعونا نصبح واحدًا ونعيش الحياة معًا. Person 1: 예, 일생에 단 한번뿐인 추억을 함께 쌓아보자. (Yes, let's create precious memories together that happen only once in a lifetime.) Translation: نعم، دعونا نخلق ذكريات ثمينة معًا التي تحدث مرة واحدة في الحياة. Person 2: 그렇게 할게, 널 사랑해. (I will do that, I love you.) Translation: سأفعل ذلك، أحبك. Person 1: 나도 너무 사랑해. (I love you too.) Translation: أنا أحبك كثيراً أيضا.

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