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question:هل تستطيع عمل لي بلوره تعطيني عملات نقديه في روبلوكس

answer:نعم، يمكنني تزويدك ببعض الأفكار حول كيفية عمل بلورة تمنح اللاعبين عملات نقدية في لعبة Roblox. هذا مثال على كيفية عمل بلورة تمنح اللاعبين عملات نقدية في لعبة Roblox: 1. أولاً، قم بتحديد بلورة معينة في اللعبة التي يمكن للشخص اللمس اثرها لكي تحصل على النقود. 2. ثم، قم بإضافة السكربت التالي إلى بلورة: ```lua local spawnLocation = script.Parent -- تحديد لوكيشن بلورة local coins = 10 -- تحديد عدد النقود التي ستحصل عليها function onTouch(otherPart) -- إذا كان الجزء الملامس هو لاعب if otherPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then local leaderstats = otherPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") -- تأكد من وجود leaderstats if leaderstats then local coinsValue = leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Coins") -- تأكد من وجود coins في leaderstats if coinsValue then -- إضافة النقود إلى leaderstats coinsValue.Value = coinsValue.Value + coins end end end end spawnLocation.Touched:Connect(onTouch) ``` 3. يقوم هذا السكربت بتحديد بلورة لامسها اللاعبون ويضيف عددًا محددًا من النقود إلى قيمة "Coins" في "leaderstats" الموجود في نفس المجموعة الوالدة الخاصة بلاعب. هذه بعض الأفكار لإضافة بعض الخيارات إلى هذا السكربت: - تغيير قيمة النقود المضافة إلى كل لمسة بلورة - إضافة تأثيرات بصرية أو صوتية عند لمس بلورة - تطوير تحديات لعبة تلغي مهمة اللاعب في جمع أكبر عدد من بلورات المنتشرة في المستوى. هذه بعض الأفكار التي قد تحفز مستخدمي للعبة على البحث عن بلورات حتى يحصلوا على النقود ويستمتعوا باللعبة أكثر.

question:Oracle数据库登录登录属性servername 和sid有啥区别

answer:servername是指Oracle数据库实例的名称,而SID是指Oracle数据库的系统标识符,它是用于标识Oracle数据库实例和与之相关的进程和资源的唯一标识符。 简单来说,servername是一个较为人性化的命名方式,可以根据实际需要进行设置,比如可以使用具有描述性的名称,方便用户快速识别和定位。而SID是Oracle数据库内部使用的标识符,是系统内部使用的重要变量之一,用于区分不同的数据库实例和进程。 因此,在实际使用中,我们可以根据需要设置不同的servername和SID,以便更好地管理和维护Oracle数据库实例和相关的资源。

question:give me a general idea and script for a film. it should be an allusion for the parable of the prodigal son. however, don’t directly incorporate any elements of the original story but rather create a completely new vision. it should revolve around the idea of life and death, nature and the shortcomings of mankind.

answer:Title: The Lost Wanderer Opening shot of a vast and peaceful wilderness with lush greenery, surrounded by towering mountains. A solitary figure, Tyler, is trudging through the forest with a heavy backpack on his back. He is a man in his mid-twenties, with a scruffy beard and rugged appearance, his eyes betraying a sense of weariness and inner turmoil. Tyler stumbles upon a small village, inhabited by friendly and welcoming people. The village is surrounded by a colorful garden, full of thriving plants and blooming flowers. Tyler decides to take a break from his arduous journey and spend some time here. As the days go by, Tyler gets to know the villagers and the peaceful lifestyle they lead. He discovers a newfound appreciation for nature and the simple pleasures of life, slowly shedding his rough exterior and becoming more open and compassionate. However, Tyler's journey is far from over. He begins to feel a sense of restlessness and longing to explore beyond what he has already seen. He sets out into the mountains, seeking new adventures and exciting experiences. In his quest, Tyler endures perilous challenges, facing his deepest fears and shortcomings along the way. He confronts his own mortality, as well as the fragility of nature and how humanity has mistreated it. Finally, after months of wandering, Tyler comes to a realization. He understands that his wandering and searching was not solely for personal gain, but rather a way to find himself and discover what life truly means. In the end, Tyler returns to the village, a changed and wiser man. He apologizes to the village elders for his earlier restlessness and selfishness. The villagers are forgiving and welcome him back with open arms, and Tyler sees the true beauty and peace found in a simple and content existence. The film ends with a shot of Tyler sitting in the garden, admiring the beauty of nature and basking in the tranquility of the present moment. Fade to black. THE END.

question:this is not bad, I like the idea of nature but also incorporate the idea of a city life when tyler is running away

answer:Thank you for your feedback! Here's an updated version of the film idea, incorporating the idea of a city life: Title: The Lost Wanderer Opening shot of a crowded city street, with towering skyscrapers and flashing neon lights. A solitary figure, Tyler, is walking down the street with a heavy backpack on his back. He is a man in his mid-twenties, with a scruffy beard and rugged appearance, his eyes betraying a sense of weariness and inner turmoil. Frustrated with his mundane and unfulfilling city life, Tyler decides to leave it all behind and embark on a journey to find something more meaningful. He sets out into the countryside, seeking new adventures and exciting experiences. As he travels deeper into nature, Tyler begins to appreciate the simple pleasures of life and the beauty of the natural world. He meets farmers, fishermen, and other people living off the land, all of whom teach him valuable lessons about the importance of living in harmony with nature. However, as time goes on, Tyler begins to feel a sense of restlessness and longing to experience the fast-paced and exciting life of the city once again. He heads back to the city, but this time with a newfound appreciation for the beauty of nature. In the bustling metropolis, Tyler finds himself caught up in the chaos and distractions of city life. He falls back into old habits, indulging in excessive drinking and partying, and losing sight of the peaceful existence he had found in the countryside. After hitting rock bottom, Tyler begins to realize the error of his ways. He understands that the city life he had once craved was shallow and empty, and that true meaning and happiness can only be found in a life of balance and harmony with nature. The film ends with a shot of Tyler walking out of the city, with his backpack on his back, heading back into the countryside. He smiles, knowing that this time he is not lost, but rather, he has found the true path to a fulfilling and meaningful life. Fade to black. THE END.

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