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question:Write me a classic World of Warcraft Level guide with quests to complete talent tree builds best leveling Zones for Shaman

answer:Title: World of Warcraft Classic Shaman Leveling Guide Introduction Welcome to this Classic WoW guide for Shaman leveling! Shaman is a versatile support class with great healing, damage, and crowd control capabilities. This guide will detail quests to complete, the optimal talent tree builds, and the best leveling zones for a Shaman on the road from level 1 to 60. Talent Tree Builds 1. Elemental (DPS) Build: This build focuses on dealing heavy damage through Lightning spells and enhances the overall destructive power of the Shaman. - Level 1-10: Nothing, as talent points are only available from Level 10. - Level 10-14: Elemental Focus (5/5) - Level 15-19: Elemental Fury (5/5) - Level 20-21: Call of Thunder (2/2) - Level 22-27: Eye of the Storm (5/5) - Level 28-29: Improved Lightning Bolt (2/2) - Level 30: Elemental Mastery - Level 31-35: Chain Lightning (5/5) - Level 36-40: Improved Elemental Mastery (5/5) - Level 41-45: Lightning Mastery (5/5) - Level 46: Thunderstorm 2. Enhancement (Melee) Build: This build emphasizes the physical strength of the Shaman by using powerful weapons, totems, and self-buffs. It provides a more consistent damage output and has better survivability. - Level 1-10: Nothing, as talent points are only available from Level 10. - Level 10-11: Shield Specialization (1/5) - Level 12-14: Ancestral Knowledge (3/5) - Level 15-16: Thundering Strikes (2/5) - Level 17-18: Two-Handed Axes and Maces - Level 19-23: Improved Ghost Wolf (5/5) - Level 24-25: Thundering Strikes (5/5) - Level 26-30: Flurry (5/5) - Level 31: Elemental Weapons (1/1) - Level 32-36: Weapon Mastery (5/5) - Level 37-38: Dual Wield - Level 39-43: Dual Wield Specialization (5/5) - Level 44-48: Stormstrike (5/5) - Level 49: Windfury Weapon Best Leveling Zones Level 1-10: Your starting zone, either Durotar (Orcs and Trolls) or Mulgore (Tauren). Level 10-20: The Barrens or Silverpine Forest Level 20-30: Stonetalon Mountains, Thousand Needles, or Ashenvale (for Undead, start with Hillsbrad Foothills) Level 30-40: Stranglethorn Vale, Arathi Highlands, Desolace, or Dustwallow Marsh Level 40-50: Tanaris, Feralas, or Western Plaguelands (Undead should also do Eastern Plaguelands) Level 50-60: Un'Goro Crater, Felwood, Winterspring, or Silithus Key Quest Chains 1. "Call of Water" (Level 20-30): Learn how to summon a Water Totem. 2. "Call of Air" (Level 30-34): Learn how to summon an Air Totem. 3. "Call of Fire" (Level 40-45): Learn how to summon a Fire Totem. 4. "Call of Earth" (Level 50-55): Learn how to summon an Earth Totem. 5. "The New Frontier" (Level 54-60): Complete this questline in Silithus for a powerful trinket and good experience. Quick Leveling Tips 1. Learn to use and switch between all four totems efficiently. 2. Keep your weapon skills up to date. 3. Group up with others for faster leveling and a more enjoyable experience. 4. When traveling long distances, use Ghost Wolf form. 5. Learn First Aid to heal yourself between battles and reduce downtime. Conclusion This Classic WoW Shaman Leveling Guide should provide you with a solid foundation on what spec to choose, the best zones and quests to focus on, and some helpful leveling tips. Remember to adjust according to your playstyle and preferences. Good luck and have fun leveling!

question:Em 1999, o Racing enfrentando uma das maiores crises financeiras já vistas na história, decretou falência pela justiça argentina, o que significou o fim da equipe de Avellaneda, mas os torcedores não aceitaram essa decisão, chegando a ir para o estádio mesmo sem o jogo da equipe no torneio Clausura, demonstrando o amor da torcida de bater de frente com os dirigentes, o que fez com a falência fosse revista???

answer:Não foi possível encontrar registros de que a falência do Racing tenha sido revista em decorrência da pressão da torcida. Na verdade, em 1999, o clube passou por uma profunda reestruturação, com a venda de jogadores e a redução dos custos, além da intervenção estatal para evitar a falência. Em 2001, o Racing conseguiu voltar à primeira divisão do futebol argentino e, aos poucos, foi se recuperando financeiramente. Atualmente, o clube se encontra em uma situação mais estável e tem uma torcida apaixonada e fiel.

question:what is midjounrey

answer:As an AI language model, I am not sure what you meant by 'midjounrey.' It may be a misspelling of 'journey,' which means traveling from one place to another, usually over a long distance or period of time. Please provide more context or information so I can help you better.

question:Was bedeutet sonniger Standort bei Pflanzen genau?

answer:Ein sonniger Standort bei Pflanzen bedeutet, dass die Pflanze ausreichend direktes Sonnenlicht benötigt, um gesund zu wachsen und zu gedeihen. Pflanzen, die einen sonnigen Standort bevorzugen, benötigen normalerweise mindestens 6 Stunden direkte Sonneneinstrahlung pro Tag. Diese Pflanzen bevorzugen normalerweise einen Standort, der vollständig der Sonne ausgesetzt ist und nicht von Bäumen oder Gebäuden beschattet wird. An einem sonnigen Standort können Pflanzen auch Hitze und Trockenheit besser aushalten, da das Sonnenlicht ihnen hilft, Feuchtigkeit zu verdunsten und den Stoffwechsel zu beschleunigen.

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