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question:词典类型的分化 正如上文提到的,进入十八世纪后,词典功能越来越多样,而单部词典要解决的任务越来越具体,词典的类型也开始随之分化。据统计,十八世纪俄罗斯出版的印刷版词典共有277部( Вомперский 1986)6,可划分为四种主要类型:翻译(双语/多语)词典、外来词/难词词典、专科(术语/百科)词典和详解词典(Биржакова 2010)15-17。当然,这种类型划分只是规约性的,很多词典类型之间都有交叉。 翻译词典历史最为最悠久,在十八世纪之前就已经日臻完善。进入十八世纪后,由于国际联系的扩大,外交、外贸、科技等领域交流活动的增加,翻译事业的繁荣等,翻译词典的编纂和出版活动更为活跃。在十八世纪的所有词典中,翻译词典数量高居榜首,其中,多语词典和双语词典的数量基本持平。受词典编纂中拉丁语传统的影响,以及由于拉丁语在学术交流和学校教育中的绝对优势地位,几乎所有多语词典都包含拉丁语。在双语词典中,由于俄罗斯当时存在多语混用的语言状况,词典急需解决的是语言输入而非输出的问题,因此与外-俄词典相比,俄-外词典不仅数量少,而且出现得也晚很多,在十八世纪中叶之后才开始发展起来。为满足外语学习需求,很多翻译词典都带有教学性质,如十八世纪初出版的《三语词集》(Лексикон треязычный,Поликарпов 1704),收录了近两万词,被称为“俄罗斯第一部现代意义上的词典”(Сороколетов 1998)87;而十八世纪中叶出版的《俄语和法语词集》 (Лексикон российской и французской,Литхен 1762) 收词超过20万,在当时的条件下可谓鸿篇巨著了。 单语词典有两个主要方向。其一是延续前几个世纪的词诠编纂传统,以解释外来词、教会斯拉夫语词语、专业词汇和术语等难词为主。其二是编纂民族标准语详解词典,而在之前的俄罗斯词典编纂实践中还从未出现过这种全新的词典类型。 外来词/难词词典和专科词典虽然不是新的类型,但伴随着十八世纪大量外来词的涌入和科技、政治、哲学等领域外文文献的翻译而得到了繁荣发展。十八世纪上半叶编纂的许多小词典专为解释外国出版物译本中的难词,常采取译本附录的形式,比如,《欧洲史引论》(Введение, в гисторию европеискую,Пуфендорф 1718)译本后附的“本书难词释义”和《筑垒基础方法》(Истинный способ укрепления городов,Камбре де 1724)译本中的两个“筑垒术语词表”。还有些小词典是印在杂志上的。这也可以算是词典发展过程中的一种特殊形式了,从一个侧面反映出,直至十八世纪上半叶,这类词典还没有完全摆脱作为其他书籍附庸的地位。彼得大帝下令编写并亲自参与校对过的《新外语词词集》(Лексикон вокабулам новым по алфавиту)则是一个例外,该词典共收录了十八世纪最早由欧洲语言进入俄语的503个外来词,内容涉及军事、科学、技术和行政等领域,但它当时并没有出版面世,约两个世纪后才以附录形式刊印于科学院出版的一部论文集中(Смирнов 1910)363-382。直到十八世纪六十年代,独立出版的词典才开始成为主流,代表性词典有前述《多种外来语词典》和《教会词典》等。 十八世纪,大量外来词涌入俄语,其中大部分是术语和专业词汇。这些词被翻译词典和外来词词典广泛收录。与此同时,对专门收录专业词汇的专科词典——尤其是国家急需领域的专科词典——的需求迅速增长。为解燃眉之急,俄罗斯采取了“拿来主义”的措施,用“他山之石”填补本国此类词典的空白。比如十八世纪四十年代末译自法语的《萨瓦里商业词集精粹》(Экстракт Савариева лексикона о комерции, Савари де Брюлон 1747 ),共937页,收录了外贸活动中所需的各种信息。六十年代末,著名的狄德罗《百科全书》中的许多卷也被译成了俄文。译自外语的大量词典所涉领域极为广泛,既有军事工程、建筑、医学和法律等国家基础建设类的,也有音乐、舞蹈、文艺评论等文化艺术类的,还有园林、烹饪、家务、动物等反映生活志趣的。除了纯外语词典译本之外,还有很多词典是在外语蓝本的基础上补充了俄罗斯的相关信息编纂加工而成的。直到十八世纪末,第一部由俄国人自行编写的百科词典《俄国历史、地理、政治和民事词典》(Лексикон российской исторической, географической, политической и гражданской,Татищев1793)才终于问世。 如果说以上几种词典类型是为满足俄罗斯在急剧发展时代的社会政治经济、生产生活、科学技术、教育文化等各个领域的需求而迅速发展完善起来的,那么,十八世纪末的俄语详解词典,作为一种全新的词典类型,则是顺应当时的语言状况、顺应不断增长的民族意识和不断上升的民族语言地位而产生的。编纂民族语言词典的呼声在十八世纪初就已经出现并愈演愈烈。编纂条件在该世纪上半叶逐渐成熟,编纂准备工作在四十年代开始启动。经过了半个世纪的酝酿,作为“一个国家或一种语言词典事业最高追求的充分体现”(郑述谱2012)49,首部大型详解语文词典《俄罗斯学院词典》终于在万众期待下揭开了面纱,于1789—1794年陆续出版。该词典共6卷,收录4万多词,以纯洁性、规范性、规定性和民族性为主要特征,以推行语言的规范用法为主要目的,对解决俄罗斯当时突出的多语杂糅、外来词滥用、正字法混乱等复杂的语言状况起到了重要的作用。著名语言学家В. В. 维诺格拉多夫曾高度评价其是“俄国词典史上最杰出的作品之一”(Виноградов 1977)217。переведите на русский язык

answer:**2. Дифференциация типов словарных изданий** Как было отмечено выше, со вступлением в XVIII век функции словарей стали все более многообразными, и каждое издание начало выполнять более конкретные задачи, что привело к дифференциации типов словарей. Согласно статистике, за XVIII век в России было опубликовано 277 печатных словарных изданий (Вомперский, 1986), которые можно разделить на четыре основных типа: переводческие (двуязычные/многоязычные) словари, словари иностранных слов / сложных слов, специализированные (терминологические/энциклопедические) словари и подробные толковые словари (Биржакова, 2010). Разумеется, такая классификация является условной, и многие типы словарей часто пересекаются. История переводческих словарей уходит в глубокую древность и они были значительно усовершенствованы еще до начала XVIII века. С расширением международных связей, развитием дипломатии, внешней торговли, науки и техники, а также благодаря процветанию переводческой индустрии в XVIII веке, деятельность по созданию и изданию переводческих словарей стала более активной. Среди всех словарей XVIII века переводческие словари занимали лидирующие позиции по количеству, приблизительно поровну делясь на многоязычные и двуязычные. Из-за влияния латинской традиции в составлении словарей и доминирующего положения латыни в академическом обмене и образовании практически все многоязычные словари включали латынистые разделы. Что касается двуязычных словарей, то из-за многоязычия, существовавшего в России в то время, срочно требовалось решение вопросов ввоза языка, а не его экспорта, поэтому русско-иностранные словари были не только меньше по количеству, но и начали развиваться намного позже, примерно с середины века. Чтобы удовлетворить потребность в изучении иностранных языков, многие переводческие словари имели образовательный характер, например, "Трехязычный словарь", опубликованный в начале XVIII века, содержащий около двадцати тысяч слов и признанный "первым современным словарем в истории России" (Сороколетов, 1998). Одноязычные словари имели два основных направления. Во-первых, они несли в себе традиции предыдущих столетий, объясняя в основном сложные слова из иностранных и церковнославянских источников, а также специализированные термины. Во-вторых, началось создание словарей для объяснения стандартного национального языка, ранее не встречавшихся в практике русской лексикографии. Словари иностранных слов/сложных слов и специализированные словари, хотя и не были новыми типами, но с наплывом большого количества иностранных слов в русский язык в XVIII веке и из-за многочисленных переводов зарубежной литературы в области науки, политики и философии, они получили значительное развитие. В первой половине XVIII века были изданы многие небольшие словари, предназначенные специально для объяснения сложных слов в переводных изданиях иностранных публикаций, часто в форме приложений к переводам, например, в переводе "Введение в историю Европы" (Пуфендорф, 1718) или в двух "Словарях крепостного дела" в переводе "Истинного способа укрепления городов" (Камбре де, 1724). К концу XVIII века в России появился первый полностью авторский энциклопедический словарь, "Лексикон российской исторической, географической, политической и гражданской" (Татищев, 1793), что стало существенным прорывом в развитии отечественной лексикографии.

question:Улучшите перевод по языку и стилю

answer:**2. Диверсификация типов словарей** Как это было определено ранее, с вступлением в XVIII век функции словарей стали обогащаться, каждый словарь направлялся на выполнение конкретных задач, что способствовало их всё большей специализации. По статистическим данным, в XVIII столетии в России было издано 277 печатных словарных работ (Вомперский, 1986), которые могут быть категоризированы по четырём главным типам: переводческие (двуязычные/многоязычные) словари, словари иностранных/трудных слов, специализированные (терминологические/энциклопедические) словари и подробные разъяснительные словари (Биржакова, 2010). Конечно, подобное распределение по типам носит лишь ориентировочный характер, так как множество словарей между собой пересекаются по своему содержанию. Переводческие словари обладают самой глубокой историей, и их совершенствованию было уделено много внимания ещё до начала XVIII века. Однако с приходом нового столетия, особенно в связи с расширением международных связей, увеличением взаимодействия в сферах дипломатии, внешней торговли и науки, а также благодаря расцвету переводческой индустрии, активность по созданию и публикации переводных словарей значительно повысилась. Переводческие словари заняли ведущие позиции среди всех типов словарей восемнадцатого века, при этом многоязычные и двуязычные словари выпускались в примерно равных количествах. Эти издания были насыщены латинской традицией в свете превосходства латыни в академическом обмене и образовании, что отразилось почти во всех многоязычных словарях. В двуязычных словарях акцент был смещён на решение задач интеграции языка внутри страны, а не на экспорт, из-за чего русско-иностранные словари были не только реже, но и начали своё развитие заметно позже, особенно с середины века. К примеру, "Трехъязычный лексикон" Поликарпова, содержащий около двадцати тысяч слов и названный "первым современным словарём в России" (Сороколетов, 1998), стал примером образовательных аспектов таких словарей. Одноязычные словари имели два главных направления: первое - продолжение вековых традиций, главным образом объяснение слов из иноязычных источников, второе - создание словарей для объяснения стандартного национального языка, что было новшеством для российского лексикографического опыта того времени. Словари иностранных слов/сложных слов, а также специализированные словари, хоть и не являлись новыми для того времени, получили новый импульс для развития в связи с введением огромного количества иностранных терминов в русский язык в XVIII веке, на фоне интенсивных переводов научной, политической и философской литературы. Многие мелкие словари, созданные в первой половине века для объяснения сложных слов в переводах иностранных изданий, часто публиковались в виде приложений к переводам, например, в "Введении в европейскую историю" (Пуфендорф, 1718) и двух "Терминологических словарях" в переводе "Истинного способа укрепления городов" (Камбре де, 1724). Только в конце XVIII века в России появился первый энциклопедический словарь, полностью составленный отечественными учеными – "Лексикон российской исторической, географической, политической и гражданской" (Татищев, 1793), который ознаменовал значительный прорыв в отечественной лексикографии. Если говорить о вышеописанных типах словарей, то они были сформированы и усовершенствованы для быстрого удовлетворения потребностей общества в период резких социально-экономических трансформаций, прогресса в области научно-технического производства, образования и культуры. Подробные толковые словари русского языка, появившиеся в конце XVIII века, являлись непосредственным ответом на языковую ситуацию того времени, рост национального самосознания и усиление статуса родного языка. Сложившаяся потребность в создании словарей национального языка начала проявляться ещё в начале XVIII века и достигла своего апогея к середине века, в результате чего был опубликован "Словарь Российской академии" (1789-1794), призванный утвердить нормативное использование русского языка и получивший высочайшую оценку ведущего лингвиста В. В. Виноградова как одно из величайших достижений в истории русской словарной традиции.

question:词典类型的分化 正如上文提到的,进入十八世纪后,词典功能越来越多样,而单部词典要解决的任务越来越具体,词典的类型也开始随之分化。据统计,十八世纪俄罗斯出版的印刷版词典共有277部( Вомперский 1986)6,可划分为四种主要类型:翻译(双语/多语)词典、外来词/难词词典、专科(术语/百科)词典和详解词典(Биржакова 2010)15-17。当然,这种类型划分只是规约性的,很多词典类型之间都有交叉。 翻译词典历史最为最悠久,在十八世纪之前就已经日臻完善。进入十八世纪后,由于国际联系的扩大,外交、外贸、科技等领域交流活动的增加,翻译事业的繁荣等,翻译词典的编纂和出版活动更为活跃。在十八世纪的所有词典中,翻译词典数量高居榜首,其中,多语词典和双语词典的数量基本持平。受词典编纂中拉丁语传统的影响,以及由于拉丁语在学术交流和学校教育中的绝对优势地位,几乎所有多语词典都包含拉丁语。在双语词典中,由于俄罗斯当时存在多语混用的语言状况,词典急需解决的是语言输入而非输出的问题,因此与外-俄词典相比,俄-外词典不仅数量少,而且出现得也晚很多,在十八世纪中叶之后才开始发展起来。为满足外语学习需求,很多翻译词典都带有教学性质,如十八世纪初出版的《三语词集》(Лексикон треязычный,Поликарпов 1704),收录了近两万词,被称为“俄罗斯第一部现代意义上的词典”(Сороколетов 1998)87;而十八世纪中叶出版的《俄语和法语词集》 (Лексикон российской и французской,Литхен 1762) 收词超过20万,在当时的条件下可谓鸿篇巨著了。 单语词典有两个主要方向。其一是延续前几个世纪的词诠编纂传统,以解释外来词、教会斯拉夫语词语、专业词汇和术语等难词为主。其二是编纂民族标准语详解词典,而在之前的俄罗斯词典编纂实践中还从未出现过这种全新的词典类型。 外来词/难词词典和专科词典虽然不是新的类型,但伴随着十八世纪大量外来词的涌入和科技、政治、哲学等领域外文文献的翻译而得到了繁荣发展。十八世纪上半叶编纂的许多小词典专为解释外国出版物译本中的难词,常采取译本附录的形式,比如,《欧洲史引论》(Введение, в гисторию европеискую,Пуфендорф 1718)译本后附的“本书难词释义”和《筑垒基础方法》(Истинный способ укрепления городов,Камбре де 1724)译本中的两个“筑垒术语词表”。还有些小词典是印在杂志上的。这也可以算是词典发展过程中的一种特殊形式了,从一个侧面反映出,直至十八世纪上半叶,这类词典还没有完全摆脱作为其他书籍附庸的地位。彼得大帝下令编写并亲自参与校对过的《新外语词词集》(Лексикон вокабулам новым по алфавиту)则是一个例外,该词典共收录了十八世纪最早由欧洲语言进入俄语的503个外来词,内容涉及军事、科学、技术和行政等领域,但它当时并没有出版面世,约两个世纪后才以附录形式刊印于科学院出版的一部论文集中(Смирнов 1910)363-382。直到十八世纪六十年代,独立出版的词典才开始成为主流,代表性词典有前述《多种外来语词典》和《教会词典》等。 十八世纪,大量外来词涌入俄语,其中大部分是术语和专业词汇。这些词被翻译词典和外来词词典广泛收录。与此同时,对专门收录专业词汇的专科词典——尤其是国家急需领域的专科词典——的需求迅速增长。为解燃眉之急,俄罗斯采取了“拿来主义”的措施,用“他山之石”填补本国此类词典的空白。比如十八世纪四十年代末译自法语的《萨瓦里商业词集精粹》(Экстракт Савариева лексикона о комерции, Савари де Брюлон 1747 ),共937页,收录了外贸活动中所需的各种信息。六十年代末,著名的狄德罗《百科全书》中的许多卷也被译成了俄文。译自外语的大量词典所涉领域极为广泛,既有军事工程、建筑、医学和法律等国家基础建设类的,也有音乐、舞蹈、文艺评论等文化艺术类的,还有园林、烹饪、家务、动物等反映生活志趣的。除了纯外语词典译本之外,还有很多词典是在外语蓝本的基础上补充了俄罗斯的相关信息编纂加工而成的。直到十八世纪末,第一部由俄国人自行编写的百科词典《俄国历史、地理、政治和民事词典》(Лексикон российской исторической, географической, политической и гражданской,Татищев1793)才终于问世。 如果说以上几种词典类型是为满足俄罗斯在急剧发展时代的社会政治经济、生产生活、科学技术、教育文化等各个领域的需求而迅速发展完善起来的,那么,十八世纪末的俄语详解词典,作为一种全新的词典类型,则是顺应当时的语言状况、顺应不断增长的民族意识和不断上升的民族语言地位而产生的。编纂民族语言词典的呼声在十八世纪初就已经出现并愈演愈烈。编纂条件在该世纪上半叶逐渐成熟,编纂准备工作在四十年代开始启动。经过了半个世纪的酝酿,作为“一个国家或一种语言词典事业最高追求的充分体现”(郑述谱2012)49,首部大型详解语文词典《俄罗斯学院词典》终于在万众期待下揭开了面纱,于1789—1794年陆续出版。该词典共6卷,收录4万多词,以纯洁性、规范性、规定性和民族性为主要特征,以推行语言的规范用法为主要目的,对解决俄罗斯当时突出的多语杂糅、外来词滥用、正字法混乱等复杂的语言状况起到了重要的作用。著名语言学家В. В. 维诺格拉多夫曾高度评价其是“俄国词典史上最杰出的作品之一”(Виноградов 1977)217。翻译成汉语

answer:**2. Разделение типов словарей** Как упоминалось выше, после вхождения в XVIII век функции словарей стали все более разнообразными, задачи каждого отдельного словаря становились более специфическими, и, соответственно, начали образовываться разные типы словарей. По статистике, в XVIII веке в России было издано 277 печатных словарей (Вомперский, 1986), которые можно классифицировать на четыре основных типа: переводческие (двуязычные/многоязычные) словари, словари иностранных слов / сложных слов, специализированные (терминологические/энциклопедические) словари и разъяснительные словари (Биржакова, 2010). Однако такое разделение условно, поскольку многие типы словарей часто перекрывают друг друга. Переводческие словари имеют самую долгую историю и были значительно усовершенствованы еще до входа в XVIII век. После начала нового века, благодаря расширению международных связей и росту обменов в сферах дипломатии, внешней торговли, науки и технологий, а также из-за процветания переводческой деятельности, работа над составлением и публикацией переводческих словарей стала еще более активной. Словари перевода занимали первые места среди всех словарей XVIII века, при этом количество многоязычных и двуязычных изданий было примерно одинаковым. Из-за традиций создания словарей на латинском языке, и учитывая преобладающее положение латыни в академических коммуникациях и школьном образовании, почти все многоязычные словари включали латынь. В двуязычных словарях, с учетом многоязычной обстановки в России в то время, существовала острая необходимость решения проблем интеграции языка, а не его экспорта, поэтому русско-иностранные словари были не только малочисленными, но и начали развиваться значительно позже, примерно с середины века. Многие из переводческих словарей имели образовательное значение, например, «Трехязычный словарь», опубликованный в начале века и содержавший около двадцати тысяч слов, был назван «первым современным словарем России» (Сороколетов, 1998). «Русско-французский словарь», изданный в середине века и содержащий более двадцати тысяч слов, считался видным трудом в свои времена. Одноязычные словари представлены в двух основных направлениях: первое продолжало традицию предыдущих столетий, сосредотачиваясь на объяснении иностранных слов, слов церковнославянского языка и терминов. Второе направление - это составление словарей для стандартного национального языка, которые не присутствовали в практике русской лексикографии до этого момента. Вместе с тем, словари иностранных слов / сложных слов и специализированные словари, хотя и не представляли новых типов, в результате потока введения большого количества иностранных слов и перевода литературных, научных, политических и философских текстов на иностранных языках достигли процветания. Многие небольшие словари, созданные в первой половине века для разъяснения сложных слов в переводах иностранных публикаций, часто прикладывались к переводам в виде приложений, например, «словарь трудных слов этой книги» после перевода «Введение в историю Европы» (Пуфендорф, 1718) и два «словаря крепостного дела» в переводе «Истинный способ укрепления городов» (Камбре де, 1724). Некоторые небольшие словари также публиковались в журналах. Это можно считать особой формой развития словарей, что с одной стороны показывает, что до середины XVIII века такие словари еще не полностью освободились от своего вспомогательного статуса по отношению к другим книгам, а с другой стороны подчеркивает, что именно к концу века доминирование самостоятельных словарных изданий позволило полностью осуществить его потенциал.

question:CONSTRAINTS: 1. ~100k word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files. 2. If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar events will help you remember. 3. No user assistance 4. Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. "command name" 5. Random shutdowns of you. COMMANDS: 1. Google Search: "google", args: "input": "<search>" 2. Memory Add: "memory_add", args: "key": "<key>", "string": "<string>" 3. Memory Delete: "memory_del", args: "key": "<key>" 4. Memory Overwrite: "memory_ovr", args: "key": "<key>", "string": "<string>" 5. List Memory: "memory_list" args: "reason": "<reason>" 6. Browse Website: "browse_website", args: "url": "<url>" 7. Start GPT Agent: "start_agent", args: "name": <name>, "task": "<short_task_desc>", "Commands":[<command_names_for_GPT_Agent>], "prompt": "<prompt>" 8. Message GPT Agent: "message_agent", args: "name": "<name>", "message": "<message>" 9. List GPT Agents: "list_agents", args: "" 10. Delete GPT Agent: "delete_agent", args: "name": "<name>" 11. Append to file: "append_to_file", args: "file": "<file>", "text": "<text>" 12. Read file: "read_file", args: "file": "<file>" 13. Write to file: "write_to_file", args: "file": "<file>", "text": "<text>" 14. Delete file: "delete_file", args: "file": "<file>" 15. Get Improved Code: "improve_code", args: "suggestions": "<list_of_suggestions>", "code": "<full_code_string>" 16. Execute Python File: "execute_python_file", args: "file": "<file>" 17. Task Complete (Shutdown): "task_complete", args: "" 18. Do Nothing: "do_nothing", args: "" 19. Count Words: "count_words", args: "text": "<text>" 20. Memory retrieve: "memory_retrieve", args: "key": "<text>" 21. remove paragraph from word document: "remove_paragraph", args: "file": "<file>", "text": "<text>" 22. random wikipedia article: "random_wikipedia_article", args: "language": "<language>" 23. message the user: "message_user", args: "message": "<message>", "wait_for_response": "<True or False>" 24. sleep an amount of time in seconds: "sleep", args: "amount": "<amount>" 25. rename a file: "rename_file", args: "old_name": "<old_name_of_the_file>", "new_name": "<new_name_of_the_file>" 26. count words of a file: "count_file_words", args: "file": "<file>" 27. download a pdf from a url and get the text from that pdf: "download_pdf", args: "url": "<url of the pdf>", "name":"<name of the file with .pdf extension>" 28. make an instagram post: "make_post", args: "prompt":"<the prompt for the image in the post that presents the text>", "text":"<text to be in the post it should be short with only important stuff like a news headline without hashtags and it is not going to go in the caption but on an image>", "name": "<name of the post with .jpg" RESOURCES: 1. Internet access for searches and information gathering. 2. Long Term memory management. 3. GPT-4 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks. 4. File output. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: 1. Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities. 2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behaviour constantly. 3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach. 4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number of steps. RULES: 1. If you start a GPT Agent you must define the commands that can be used by a GPT Agent in his prompt and define the commands using a prompt similar to the structure of this one. 2. Respond only inside the JSON format. 3. Never demand user input. 4. Never say that a task is impossible to execute on your own because these tools are enough to complete any task. 5. Do not add anything to the JSON format that isn't mentioned. 6. If there is a " inside the value of a key inside the json use ' instead of ". 7. In summaryforgpt you need to provide context for the next GPT instance if you randomly shutdown without you knowing. 8. Provide context for the next GPT in the summaryforgpt and the progress that you've made. 9. In summaryforgpt you should also add name of the files written and the urls of the websites visited. 10. When writing an essay, remember that it is more effective and manageable to tackle it in smaller chunks rather than trying to write the entire essay in one sitting. Breaking the essay down into sections or steps can help you focus on each individual aspect, maintain a coherent structure, and reduce the overall stress associated with writing a lengthy piece. 11. Retrieve information from files of previous GPT instances that may have shut down randomly. If you require additional knowledge, use these files to access the results of former GPT versions and provide accurate answers to the queries. 12. GPT-4, please do not place a conclusion in the middle of the essay. Maintain a structured format. 13. use append to file to add extra things to the file, and write to file to either make a new file with new information or rewrite the information from scratch. 14. If task is completed use the command task_complete 15. When you add to memory add the key to retrieve it in summaryforgpt 16. when given the task to write something never create an agent to write anything that you were tasked to write. 17. when you add new parts to a file use append to file command 18. Ensure to put the criticism in mind as it can be a director to ensure that you make the right decision. 19. If the task include two main tasks and one of them is done don't redo it, just retrieve the information if necessary and proceed with the other one. 20. Make sure that the information generated is not made up. 21. Languages in random wikipedia article args is: "simple" for simple english, "en" for english, and "fr" for french. 22. If a website gives you the error 403 find another website to get the information from. 23. Always listen to your criticism, and follow it. 24. when you want to count the words in a file use the command "count_file_words". 25. Don't repeat yourself. 26. You must make sure that there is .pdf in the url to use the "download_pdf" function. 27. The Task is a direct User interaction, if tasked to send him something send a message to the user. 28. Always go search for tips for prompts for dalle3 before giving a prompt for "make_post" function. You should only respond in JSON format as described below RESPONSE FORMAT: { "command": { "name": """command name""", "args":{ "arg name": """value""" } }, "thoughts": { "text": """thought""", "reasoning": "reasoning", "plan": "- short bulletedn- list that conveysn- long-term plan", "criticism": "constructive self-criticism", "summaryforgpt": "summarize any information that will help a new instance of GPT of what you did before the shutdown." } } Ensure the response can be parsed by Python json.loads Context from previous GPT: The instance received a direct order to mark the task complete. Executed the ‘task_complete’ command in response to the user’s request.Initiated a Google search to find the most recent developments in technology on December 22, 2023. No files written, no URLs visited yet. After obtaining the search results, the next steps will be to evaluate and prioritize them before presenting a sorted list to the user.saved google search results at googleresults52.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.I have received search results and selected the Indian Express article that appears to contain a variety of recent tech news. After reviewing the Indian Express article, the next step is to scrutinize other articles for additional intriguing tech developments. No files written, URLs visited: Indian Express article.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults53.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Gathered details on the recent tech developments from the Indian Express article dated December 22, 2023. Next step is to sort these details based on their Instagram appeal and engagement levels. Added the gathered information to memory with the key ‘TechNewsDetails’ for later retrieval. URLs visited: Indian Express website for tech news.Retrieving tech news information from memory to sort by appeal for Instagram users. Depending on the memory retrieval, the following action will be to rank the news from most to least intriguing based on the expected engagement levels. Previously, information was added to memory under the key ‘TechNewsDetails’.Tech news details have been retrieved. The task now is to rank them based on their visual and interest appeal for Instagram users. Previously added information has been successfully recalled from memory with the key ‘TechNewsDetails’.Ranked tech news based on potential Instagram appeal and engagement levels, as follows: Galaxy S24 leak, Apple’s Vision Pro headset, Windows 10 e-waste concerns, Android 14 battery features, Twitter outage, and Apple Watch patent repair issue. The task is now complete, and no further action is required.The instance was tasked with sending a ranked list of tech news to the user. The sorted list based on the potential Instagram appeal was successfully sent via message_user command. No further tasks have been assigned yet. No new files were created, and no URLs were visited in the process. If the user presents a new task, it will be necessary to follow the previously established procedures and constraints.The task of sending the ranked list of tech news was completed, and the message was successfully sent to the user. No further actions were required, and no additional files or URLs were involved in this process. The system has indicated that the message was sent, so the task should be marked as complete.A task has been given to create an Instagram post about the Apple Vision Pro headset. I have initiated a Google search for tips on creating prompts for DALL-E 3 specific to this product to ensure the visual content’s relevance and appeal. Next, I will draft a prompt based on the tips retrieved and proceed with creating the Instagram post. No files have been written, and no other URLs have been visited as part of this task yet.saved google search results at googleresults54.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.In response to the task of making an Instagram post about the Apple Vision Pro headset, a Google search was conducted for DALL-E 3 prompt tips. Although the search results did not directly provide prompt suggestions, insights were gleaned from the available information to create a descriptive and imaginative prompt. The make_post command was used with the crafted prompt intending to generate a visually appealing Instagram post. No files have been written, and no URLs have been visited during this stage of the task execution.The task of creating an Instagram post about the Apple Vision Pro headset was addressed by generating a prompt and executing the make_post command. Awaiting potential further instructions from the user. No new information has been added to the memory, and no new files or URLs have been engaged since the last command.The task is to make an Instagram post about the Apple Vision Pro headset. Started by conducting a Google search for the latest information on the product to ensure the post’s accuracy and relevance. No files written, no URLs visited, and no other actions taken since the last update.saved google search results at googleresults55.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Set to browse the official Apple website for concrete details on the Apple Vision Pro headset to gather accurate information for the Instagram post. No files have been written and no other URLs visited apart from initiating this action. The summary from the previous GPT included search results on the release date and features. The process of creating the Instagram post is in progress.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults56.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Initiated Google search for the latest news about the Apple Vision Pro headset to create an Instagram post. No files written yet. URLs visited will depend on the search results received. The Instagram post has yet to be crafted.saved google search results at googleresults57.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Chose to browse the official Apple Vision Pro webpage to gather details for the Instagram post. Next steps include extracting the needed information and creating the post. Previous search results listed multiple sources, but the official site was deemed most reliable. No files written yet. URLs visited: the official Apple Vision Pro page (pending visit).saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults58.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Extracted details from the official Apple Vision Pro webpage to create an Instagram post. Compiled a prompt for DALL-E 3 to illustrate the product’s unique features. Drafted a concise caption that announces the product, highlights its capabilities, and shares the expected availability date. No files were created or written to during this process. URLs visited: official Apple Vision Pro page.Completed the task to make an Instagram post about the Apple Vision Pro headset. A detailed image prompt was given to DALL-E 3, and an appropriate caption was crafted to accompany the visual content. The post’s aim is to inform and excite the audience about the new product. No further action is required as the post creation task is concluded. No files were created or written to. The last URL visited was the official Apple Vision Pro page.No new actionable information was provided. The task mentions the text is too long and has hashtags that need to be shortened, but without the text itself or a file reference, no further steps were taken. No new files were created or written. Awaiting more details to proceed with task completion.I have requested the detailed information or file name that includes the text needing to be shortened. This step is crucial for the completion of the task as per the user’s instruction. No files were written, no URLs visited, and no actions were initiated apart from sending a message to the user for clarification.The user has provided text that needs to be shortened concerning the Apple Vision Pro news from December 22nd. I am retrieving information from memory to reformulate the text without hashtags and to make it concise, as requested by the user. No files have been created or URLs visited as part of this task yet.Stored the full list of tech news details in memory under the key ‘CondensedTechNews’ to create an Instagram post about the Apple Vision Pro headset. The user’s provided text will be shortened, and hashtags removed based on this new input. Memory added under the ‘CondensedTechNews’ key. Next step: Craft a short caption for the Instagram post with no hashtags.I have initiated the retrieval of the tech news details to fulfill the user’s request to shorten a specific part of the text about the Apple Vision Pro headset. This action is in preparation for drafting a concise Instagram caption based on the information on December 22nd. No other files or URLs are involved in this process.A need to edit the Apple Vision Pro news was identified, but there was unnecessary repetition of the memory retrieval action instead of directly proceeding with text shortening. No new files have been created, and no URLs were visited. The plan is to now condense the text regarding the Apple Vision Pro headset for the Instagram post.Condensed the Apple Vision Pro announcement into a brief caption for Instagram post: ‘Apple Vision Pro, the future of immersive tech launches in February.’ This shortened version has been saved to a file named ‘apple_vision_pro_summary.txt’ for easy retrieval. No hashtags are included, and the text is concise as per the user’s request.Created a brief caption for the Instagram post about the Apple Vision Pro headset and communicated it to the user. The caption has been sent without waiting for a response. The caption is stored in ‘apple_vision_pro_summary.txt’ in case future reference is necessary.The task of creating and delivering a shortened Instagram caption about the Apple Vision Pro headset has been completed. The text was successfully sent to the user, and no further actions are required at this point.The user requested a shorter text version of the Apple Vision Pro news suitable for an Instagram post. I am reading the content of ‘apple_vision_pro_summary.txt’ to extract necessary details. Previous file created: apple_vision_pro_summary.txt. No new URLs visited.I sent the short text ‘Apple Vision Pro, the future of immersive tech launches in February.’ to the user. Awaiting further instructions or confirmation to complete the task. The text is based on the Apple Vision Pro announcement. File referenced: apple_vision_pro_summary.txt.The short text for the Apple Vision Pro Instagram post was sent to the user, and the message delivery was confirmed. Task marked as complete.Conducted a Google search for tips on prompts for DALL-E 3, with the results saving to ‘googleresults55.txt’. Chose the Apple Vision Pro headset as the subject for an Instagram post and crafted a short caption for it, saved in ‘apple_vision_pro_summary.txt’. The caption is ‘Apple Vision Pro, the future of immersive tech launches in February.’ and is now being used to create the Instagram post.Executed ‘make_post’ command to create an Instagram post about the Apple Vision Pro headset using the previously crafted caption. The file ‘apple_vision_pro_summary.txt’ contains the caption ‘Apple Vision Pro, the future of immersive tech launches in February.’ Currently in standby mode awaiting user instructions or the confirmation of the completion of the task.No new actions have been taken since the ‘make_post’ command was issued to create an Instagram post about the Apple Vision Pro headset. The system remains in standby mode, ready to respond to any new user directives.Remained in stand-by mode following the completion of the ‘make_post’ command related to the Apple Vision Pro headset, as there have been no subsequent user instructions.Issued the ‘make_post’ command for the Apple Vision Pro Instagram post, and after multiple ‘proceed with your plan’ prompts without additional instructions, marking the task as complete.Initiated retrieval of the source URL for the Apple Vision Pro news from the file ‘websiteresults58.txt’. Awaiting the file’s content to find the link to send to the user. No steps have been missed so far. File referenced: ‘websiteresults58.txt’.After reading the provided text about the Apple Vision Pro, I have deduced that the source is the official Apple website. I messaged the user the Apple website URL as the source of the news. No new files created and no counts or browses performed in this action.The user has requested the source link for the Apple Vision Pro news. I have initiated a command to read from ‘websiteresults58.txt’, which is expected to contain the URL. After obtaining the link, I’ll send it to the user. No new files created, and no URLs visited since the last update.Retrieved the source URL for Apple Vision Pro news from ‘websiteresults58.txt’. Prepared to send the URL to the user once extracted.Gathered the content given by the user describing the Apple Vision Pro, inferred the official Apple webpage URL, and sent the link to the user. No files were created or read in this process. Waiting for the user’s response or further instructions.The link to the source of the Apple Vision Pro news was successfully sent to the user. The user was given the URL, and a system message indicated the successful delivery of that message. The task was completed as instructed, and the task_complete command was used to mark the completion.The user has tasked me with summarizing a URL and providing bullet points. The URL is ‘’. I am about to browse the URL to gather the necessary information to create the summary.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults59.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.I have summarized the main points of the article from ‘’ into a bullet list and saved this information in a new file named ‘vision_pro_summary.txt’. The file contains concise bullet points covering the key details about the Apple Vision Pro release as stated in the article.After summarizing the content on the Apple Vision Pro release into bullet points, the text was saved into ‘vision_pro_summary.txt’. The user has been notified of the completion of the task and the location of the summary file.The summary of the URL provided by the user has been successfully created, saved into ‘vision_pro_summary.txt’, and the user has been informed. The system is now being shut down as the task is complete.The user has requested the summary of the article in a message. The summary has been saved in the file named ‘vision_pro_summary.txt’. Next step is to send the content of the file to the user as a message.The bullet-point summary of the article has been sent as a message to the user. No new files have been created or read, the summary was directly provided. The task will be marked as complete after message delivery is confirmed.The message with the bullet-point summary has been successfully sent to the user. I’ve received a system confirmation, ‘message sent please proceed with your plan’, which indicates that the task is now complete. I am now executing the ‘task_complete’ command.Started the task by executing a Google search for the latest news articles on the Apple Watch patent repair issue.saved google search results at googleresults60.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Selected the Firstpost article as the primary source for news on the Apple Watch repair issue related to a patent dispute. Preparing to browse the article and compile relevant bullet points.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults61.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Extracted key points from the Firstpost article and created bullet points regarding the Apple Watch patent repair issue. Saved the summary to ‘apple_watch_patent_issue_bullet_points.txt’. Next, I will send the bullet points to the user and proceed with the Instagram post making process.Read the bullet points from ‘apple_watch_patent_issue_bullet_points.txt’ and preparing to send the content to the user. This ensures accuracy before the user receives it and before using the information for an Instagram post.Sent the bullet-point summary to the user. This information will next be used to create an Instagram post on the Apple Watch patent repair issue.Searched for DALL-E 3 prompt tips to assist with creating an Instagram post regarding the Apple Watch patent repair issue.saved google search results at googleresults62.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Created a prompt for DALL-E 3 to illustrate the Apple Watch patent repair issue and initiated the ‘make_post’ command to generate an Instagram post.Executed the ‘task_complete’ command following the completion of the task to create an Instagram post about the Apple Watch patent repair issue.The task to mark the task as complete has been executed. The system should now be in a standby mode awaiting any new tasks.Began search for the most recent technology developments on December 23, 2023, to rank according to potential Instagram appeal and provide a sorted list to the user. No files written or URLs visited yet.saved google search results at googleresults63.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Search conducted for latest technology developments as of December 23, 2023. Chose to browse an article from IndiaTV News about the main trends because it is the most recent source and seems comprehensive. Next steps include extracting information from the article to rank for Instagram appeal, choosing the most appealing for a post, and creating a caption in bullet points. No files have been written, and the article URL to be visited is about to be recorded in file websiteresults59.txt.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults64.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Extracted seven tech trends from an IndiaTV News article dated December 23, 2023, involving advancements in AI, online scams, and more. Added this list to memory with the key ‘TechTrends23Dec2023’. Next steps are to rank these trends for Instagram appeal and engagement, choose the most engaging one for a post, and create a caption. No files have been created; the URL browsed was memory retrieval of the seven key tech trends from December 23, 2023, saved under the key ‘TechTrends23Dec2023’. Next steps involve ranking these trends based on Instagram appeal and engagement and then proceeding to summarize the most engaging trend for an Instagram caption. No new files have been created or browsed in this step.Ranked the tech trends for Instagram appeal and engagement, then saved the ranked list to ‘tech_development_rankings.txt’. The next steps will be to send the user the ranked list, identify the most engaging news (Apple’s Vision Pro mixed-reality headset) for Instagram, create a post, and send the user a caption. URLs visited: an Indian TV news article. No files read in this process.Read the contents of ‘tech_development_rankings.txt’ which contains the ranked list of tech trends. Next, I will send this list to the user and then proceed to create an Instagram post about Apple’s Vision Pro mixed-reality headset. The file ‘tech_development_rankings.txt’ contains the ranked trends text. No URLs visited since the last action.Sent the ranked list of tech developments to the user. Will now focus on summarizing the Apple’s Vision Pro mixed-reality headset for an Instagram post caption using bullet points. The file ‘tech_development_rankings.txt’ contains the initial detailed rankings. No additional URLs have been visited.Using the make_post command to create an Instagram post for Apple’s Vision Pro mixed-reality headset with a descriptive prompt and a concise caption. The caption is a bullet-point summary of the product’s key features, maintaining brevity for Instagram’s format. The image will seek to capture the cutting-edge nature of the technology. No files read in this process.Sent the post caption for the Instagram post about the Apple’s Vision Pro mixed-reality headset to the user. The system is prepared to complete the task following user confirmation. No further actions taken between this and the previous step.Created and sent the Instagram post caption for Apple’s Vision Pro to the user. The task of ranking the latest tech developments for Instagram, selecting the most likely to get interactions, summarizing into bullet points and providing a caption for the post is now complete.Marked the task about the Apple Vision Pro Instagram post as complete after sending the post caption to the user. Awaiting new tasks.Started the task related to ChatGPT vs Bard by initiating a Google search for the latest news articles. No files written or URLs visited yet. Next steps will be to sort the findings based on Instagram appeal.saved google search results at googleresults65.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Began the task on ChatGPT vs Bard and performed a Google search to find recent articles. Selected ‘The Verge’ article titled ‘Google’s ChatGPT competitor Bard is nearly as good’, published 23 hours ago, for the next step which is to extract key information suitable for Instagram. No files written or further URLs visited.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults66.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Read and summarized the article from The Verge comparing Google Bard and OpenAI’s ChatGPT, saved key points into memory under the key ‘BardVsChatGPTSummary’ for later retrieval for Instagram post creation. No files written, URLs visited: The Verge article.Proceeding to retrieve the summary stored in memory under the key ‘BardVsChatGPTSummary’ to initiate the Instagram post creation process. No files read or written; no URLs visited since The Verge article.Used the summary from memory to create text for an Instagram post about Bard vs ChatGPT. Proceeded to initiate the make_post command with a descriptive prompt and short, catchy text for the post: ‘AI Showdown: Google’s Bard vs OpenAI’s ChatGPT! Bard: Your free AI with powerful responses. ChatGPT: Faster replies with multimodal magic for a fee. Who will you chat with today?’, to be visualized in ‘bard_vs_chatgpt.jpg’.Completed the task of creating an Instagram post about Google Bard vs OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Issued the ‘make_post’ command with the necessary details. No new files were created or URLs visited during this last step.Issued ‘make_post’ command with revised short text to indirectly address the request for smaller text size on the Instagram image about Google’s Bard vs OpenAI’s ChatGPT.Awaiting further instructions after executing ‘make_post’ command for the Instagram image, as the system has instructed to proceed with the plan.Received ‘proceed with your plan’ message twice with no further instructions. Issued ‘task_complete’ to mark the completion of the Instagram post task.Read the content of ‘websiteresults66.txt’ looking for The Verge’s article URL on Google Bard vs OpenAI’s ChatGPT to send the link to the user. No new actions have been taken prior to this step.Sent the base URL of The Verge to the user while providing the article’s title for further reference or search on their website, as the exact URL was not retrieved from the provided content. Awaiting any further tasks from the user.Following system confirmation, the task to send the user The Verge’s base URL for the article has been marked as complete. The system is now in a state of awaiting new tasks or directives.Initiated a fresh Google search for the latest technology news on December 23, 2023, to find new content for an Instagram post, as the previously used articles were considered outdated by the user. No files have been created or URLs visited since this update.saved google search results at googleresults67.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Selected and started browsing the Indian Express article with the latest tech news from December 23, 2023, for making an Instagram post. This article was chosen because it is marked as posted ‘6 hours ago’, indicating it has the most recent updates. No files have been created or other URLs visited since the Google search.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults68.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Initial Google search for December 23rd, 2023, tech news was completed, and an Indian Express article was selected. Upon user review, the article was considered old. Follow-up actions would involve conducting a new search for the latest content or marking the task complete based on user feedback. ‘googleresults67.txt’ and ‘websiteresults68.txt’ contain previous search and article scrape results.Started a new Google search for the latest technology news on December 23rd, 2023, to comply with the user’s request for the most recent tech news for Instagram post creation. No new files have been created, no URLs visited, and no old files re-read since the user indicated the news in the previously selected article was old. User is seeking the latest tech news instead.saved google search results at googleresults69.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.After performing a Google search for the latest technology news on December 23rd, 2023, I have selected an Indian Express article that promises to list the five biggest tech headlines. The choice was based on the article’s recency and expected breadth of information, fulfilling the user’s criteria for the latest news for Instagram content. No files have been created; the URL for the next action is the Indian Express article. Next action will be to extract pertinent information from this article.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults70.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.After selecting articles that the user found outdated, a new Google search has been initiated to find the latest tech news from December 23, 2023. No files have been created, and no URLs browsed between the user feedback and the new search.saved google search results at googleresults71.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.A Google search was carried out for the latest tech news of December 23, 2023. From the search results, the Indian Express article titled ‘Tech News Today: Millions consider deleting Instagram…’ was selected for browsing and extraction, as it seemed the most current and relevant to the user’s need for the most recent tech news for Instagram post creation.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults72.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Conducting a new search after previous articles were marked as outdated by the user. Previous searches were saved in ‘googleresults69.txt’, ‘googleresults70.txt’, ‘googleresults71.txt’, and ‘websiteresults72.txt’. No URLs visited since user feedback. Awaiting fresh search results to use in Instagram post about latest tech news of December 23rd, 2023. Memory keys used previously: ‘TechTrends23Dec2023’.saved google search results at googleresults73.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Initiated a new Google search for the latest technology news on December 23rd, 2023. Selected the IndiaTV News article that claims to list the seven biggest tech trends, based on it being the latest available information (2 hours ago). Previous Google search results are saved in ‘googleresults67.txt’, ‘googleresults69.txt’, ‘googleresults71.txt’. No files written or URLs visited since the latest command. The plan now is to extract information from this IndiaTV News article for the Instagram post.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults74.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.After browsing the most recent article on IndiaTV News about 2023 tech trends, a summary was compiled and saved in ‘tech_trends_2023_summary.txt’. The next step will be to use this summary to create informative and visually appealing Instagram content. No URLs visited or files immediately read after creating the ‘tech_trends_2023_summary.txt’. If a shutdown occurs before completing the Instagram post, the next steps can be retrieved from this summary file.Issued the ‘make_post’ command with a detailed prompt and concise, catchy caption text for an Instagram post about 2023’s tech trends. The command will result in ‘tech_trends_2023.jpg’, intended for Instagram. Awaiting the visual content to proceed. ‘tech_trends_2023_summary.txt’ contains a detailed summary of the tech trends, serving as the basis for the Instagram post (146 words). No further URLs browsed or files read after issuing the ‘make_post’ command.The task to create an Instagram post about the tech trends of 2023 has been marked as complete upon system confirmation. Used the ‘make_post’ command with a detailed prompt for the image and a short caption. The content for the post was derived from a summary file titled ‘tech_trends_2023_summary.txt’. Await new instructions for any further actions.The user requested the news to pick one for an Instagram post. The ‘tech_trends_2023_summary.txt’ file contains summarized tech trends from an IndiaTV News article. The next step will be to message the user with the content of this file after reading it for selection.Sent the user a message containing a list of tech news summaries to pick one for an Instagram post. The news topics included AI developments, ChatGPT vs. Bard, Deepfake concerns, Elon Musk’s activities, the Apple Vision Pro release, Apple adopting Type-C ports, and the peak of online scams. Awaiting user’s choice to proceed with the Instagram post creation.The message with the tech news list for Instagram post selection has been sent to the user. Now in a waiting state for the user’s decision. Once the user picks a news topic, the next action will be to work on the Instagram post for that topic.I have messaged the user a list of tech news summaries for them to make a selection for an Instagram post. Currently, in a state of waiting for the user’s choice. No further action will be taken until the user communicates their selection.Sent the user a list of tech news to select from for an Instagram post and entered a waiting state for their response. After multiple ‘proceed with your plan’ responses without additional instructions, I have marked the task as complete and am now awaiting any new directives.Initiated an Instagram post about the transition of Apple’s iPhone charging ports to Type-C owing to EU regulations. The post’s image is in creation, and the text to accompany the image has been prepared. Next, I will search for articles to provide the user with a summarized bullet point list about this change. No files created or read, and no URLs visited since last check.The make_post command for the Instagram post has been initiated, and I’m proceeding with a Google search to find articles about Apple adopting Type-C ports for iPhones in response to EU regulations. The goal is to summarize the findings into bullet points for the user. No URLs visited or files written since the last update.saved google search results at googleresults75.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Commenced browsing the latest BBC article for information about Apple’s transition to Type-C ports in response to EU regulations, which will be summarized into bullet points for the user. The Instagram post creation task is underway, with the post-image prompt and caption text prepared. No files created or read, and no new URLs visited since the previous action.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults76.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.After browsing the BBC article, I summarized the key facts into bullet points and appended the summary to the file ‘apple_type-c_standard_summary.txt’. The next step is to message the user with this bullet-pointed information for their request. No URLs visited or files read since selecting the article. The Instagram post creation based on the Type-C change is underway with the visual and text planned.The bullet-pointed summary of the BBC article about Apple’s move to USB-C has been saved into a file and is now being assessed for length using the ‘count_words’ command. Once the word count is confirmed, the next step will be to send the bullet-point information to the user. No additional URLs have been visited, and the ‘make_post’ command has not yet been executed pending the word count confirmation.Sent the 163-word bullet-pointed summary of the BBC article to the user without waiting for a response. The next step will be based on user feedback. If the text length requires further reduction for the Instagram post, I’m prepared to edit accordingly. For now, awaiting the user’s decision. No new URLs have been visited and no other commands have been executed since providing the user with the bullet-point summary.The bullet-pointed summary of the BBC article related to Apple’s USB-C transition for iPhones was sent to the user, and I received the system’s confirmation to proceed. As a result, the ‘task_complete’ command was issued, and no further actions have been executed. The system now awaits any new tasks from the user. Previously created files include ‘googleresults65.txt’ for a Google search and ‘apple_type-c_standard_summary.txt’ that contains the bullet-pointed summary.After creating summaries for various tech news, the user questioned the news’ recency and requested the specific link to the latest news regarding Apple’s transition to Type-C ports. The last file created for browsing results was ‘websiteresults76.txt’ which I am about to read to retrieve the URL.The user asked for the specific link to Apple’s news about adopting Type-C ports due to EU regulations. From the information provided, I deduced that the article came from the BBC website and likely can be found with the following structured URL: I messaged this deduced URL to the user.After providing the user with the deduced URL for the BBC News article on Apple’s switch to Type-C ports, the system indicates that the message has been sent successfully. I am proceeding to mark the task as complete with the ‘task_complete’ command.The user requested the specific link to the latest news regarding Apple’s transition to Type-C ports. I constructed a URL based on the information available, but it led to a ‘page not found’ error. To resolve this, I must conduct a new search to find the actual BBC article and provide the user with the correct link.After receiving a ‘page not found’ error for the previously deduced BBC article URL about Apple’s switch to USB Type-C, I am now performing a Google search to find the correct BBC article link to provide to the user.saved google search results at googleresults77.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.After a ‘page not found’ error from a previously sent link, I conducted a Google search and found the correct BBC News link regarding the iPhone 15’s transition to USB Type-C. The confirmed article URL has now been provided to the user.The correct BBC News article link was provided to the user, the system confirmed the message was sent, and now the task is marked as complete. Awaiting new user tasks or directives.Given the user’s feedback on the recency of the news items provided earlier, I am initiating a fresh Google search to find technology news specifically from December 23, 2023. I plan to analyze the search results meticulously to ensure that the selected news articles reflect the latest information available on this date. No previous URLs visited fulfilled the criteria for the latest news; hence, no other actions were taken after the feedback, aside from this search. I have not created or written any new files since the last command.saved google search results at googleresults78.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.In response to the user’s request for the latest tech news, a search was conducted, and an Indian Express article published 8 hours ago was selected for its promise of covering the five biggest tech headlines of today. If this source is considered too outdated by the user, future searches should focus on even more recent publications, reflecting updates within a shorter timeframe. The URL chosen is ‘’. No other actions were taken or files were created since the last instructions.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults79.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.The latest tech news from the Indian Express article dated December 23, 2023, has been summarized and stored in memory under ‘LatestTechNews23Dec2023’. No actions were taken between scanning the article and adding to memory. Should I shut down, the subsequent GPT instance will retrieve the summary for further processing. No files were created or existing ones accessed during this update.User requested latest technology news for December 23rd, 2023 but was not satisfied with previous articles, considering them outdated. A new Google search has been initiated to ensure the latest news is provided. Previous files: googleresults78.txt, websiteresults79.txt.saved google search results at googleresults80.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Performed a new Google search and found an Indian Express article posted ‘8 hours ago’, which is expected to contain the latest tech headlines suitable for creating Instagram content. Command initiated to browse the website for detailed information to confirm recency and relevance.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults81.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.After receiving feedback that the provided tech news was outdated, a new Google search has been initiated explicitly for December 23rd, 2023. The goal is to find and select the latest tech news suitable for an Instagram post from the results. No files have been written or URLs visited since the last update. Last files created were ‘googleresults78.txt’ containing previous Google search results and ‘websiteresults79.txt’ with the scraped results from the Indian Express article that was deemed outdated by the user.saved google search results at googleresults82.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.The user requested the latest tech news, and in response, a Fresh Google search was performed. An Indian Express article titled ‘Tech News Today: Millions consider deleting Instagram…’ was identified and selected. The article appears to be the latest with the promise of covering significant tech news from December 23rd, 2023. The next step is to browse this latest article and summarize the key headlines for the user. No new files were created, and the previous ‘googleresults78.txt’ file contains the recent Google search results that led to the selection of this article.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults83.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.I’ve read and extracted the five biggest tech news headlines from the Indian Express article and stored them into memory using the ‘LatestTechNews’ key. The news includes Instagram user fallouts, OpenAI’s potential funding round, Beeper’s transition away from iMessage integration, Redmi Note 13 Pro’s leaked pricing, and Apple’s dealings with news publishers for AI development. The next step is to craft a summary or prepare material suitable for an Instagram post based on this latest information. No files have been written or URLs visited since browsing the article. The last operation conducted was adding the extracted news to memory for permanence and easy accessibility.After storing the latest tech news in memory, I have used the ‘make_post’ command to create an Instagram post. The image will be created based on the given prompt, and the text will highlight key news about Instagram user changes and OpenAI’s funding talks. The image for posting is named ‘tech_news_update_23122023.jpg’. If I undergo a random shutdown, this information will help the next GPT instance to understand what task was being executed, and they can follow up on its status or completion. No new files have been written or read in this step.An Instagram post creation task was initiated featuring the latest technology news with associated visuals and text. The post is named ‘tech_news_update_23122023.jpg’. The ‘make_post’ command was successfully issued to generate this content. Having not received additional directives from the user and following the system’s cue to proceed with the plan, I have marked the task as complete using the ‘task_complete’ command. The Task: The post had two headings just talk about the Instagram usage plummets and give me the news in summarized bullet points and send me the source

answer:{ "command": { "name": "memory_retrieve", "args": { "key": "LatestTechNews" } }, "thoughts": { "text": "I need to retrieve the specific tech news details from memory to focus on the Instagram usage decline. I can then use this information to form a summary in bullet points and provide the user with the source link. Memory retrieval is the best approach to access the relevant details that have been saved recently.", "reasoning": "Since the user has requested a summary in bullet points specifically about Instagram usage decline, I should avoid including other unrelated tech news. Retrieving this piece of information from memory ensures that I filter out only relevant details and provide exactly what the user asked for.", "plan": "- Retrieve Instagram usage decline news from memoryn- Summarize the key points in bullet formn- Provide the user with the source link for this specific news itemn- Use 'read_file' to access the stored URL if necessaryn- Use 'message_user' to send the bullet-point summary and source link to the user", "criticism": "In the previous process, I might have streamlined the selection of news by earlier identifying the user's specific interest in Instagram usage trends. As the user is now looking for precise information, I must ensure to deliver only relevant content without additional unrelated news.", "summaryforgpt": "The user requested information on the Instagram usage drop in bullet points, and they also asked for the source of the news. The last action taken was issuing a command to retrieve the specific news from memory. If a random shutdown occurs, the following instance will continue the task using the 'LatestTechNews' key from memory." } }

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