question:Dynamic 365 which tables has workflow actions history not found in dynamic 365
answer:In Dynamics 365, the workflow actions history is not stored in any specific tables. Instead, the workflow actions history is typically recorded as workflow logs in the system. When you enable workflow logging in Dynamics 365, the workflow actions and their details are recorded in the system's audit log or the platform traces. These logs capture information about the workflow actions, including the user who triggered the action, the date and time of the action, and any additional details or changes made during that action. To access the workflow actions history, you can retrieve the audit log data or platform traces for the relevant records or entities involved in the workflow. This can be done through the Dynamics 365 platform features or by using tools like the Audit Summary View or the Power Platform Admin Center. Please note that the availability and access to workflow action history logs may depend on the specific version, configuration, and settings of your Dynamics 365 environment.
question:where under system admin can i get these logs
answer:In Dynamics 365, as a system administrator, you can access the workflow action history logs through the following methods: 1. Audit Log: The Audit Log feature captures a detailed log of user actions and system changes in Dynamics 365. To access the Audit Log, follow these steps: a. Go to Settings in the Dynamics 365 navigation menu. b. Under System, click on "Audit Log". c. Use the filter options to specify the desired time frame, entity, and action type. d. View and export the audit log entries that pertain to workflow actions. 2. Platform Traces: Platform Traces provide detailed diagnostic information on system operations, including workflow actions. To access Platform Traces, follow these steps: a. Go to the Power Platform Admin Center ( b. Navigate to the "Environments" section and select your Dynamics 365 environment. c. Under "Monitoring," click on "Platform traces." d. Filter and search for the specific workflow actions or relevant logs that you require. Both the Audit Log and Platform Traces provide valuable information on workflow action history, allowing you to track user actions, system changes, and workflow execution details.
answer:钢球是由英国发明家布鲁诺·普里斯曼(Bruno Pri sman)于1763年发明的。他将钢球用于制造各种机械装置和玩具。钢球的广泛应用和普及始于19世纪。
answer:不锈钢球、铬钢球和碳钢球是不同材质的钢球,它们的区别主要在于材料成分以及性质。 1. 不锈钢球:不锈钢球由铬、镍、钼等元素组成,具有优异的耐腐蚀性和耐磨性。不锈钢球表面光滑,不易生锈,长时间保持亮度,适用于要求高度耐腐蚀性和不生锈的环境,例如食品加工、医疗器械、化工等行业。 2. 铬钢球:铬钢球通常以硬化球为代表,材料主要是高铬合金钢,含有较高比例的铬元素。铬钢球硬度高、耐磨性好,适用于磨料加工、磨具行业中的球磨机、研磨机等设备。 3. 碳钢球:碳钢球主要由碳钢材料制成,具有较高的强度和硬度,价格相对较低。碳钢球广泛应用于轴承、自行车部件、汽车零件、工艺品等领域。 总结: 不锈钢球具有耐腐蚀性和耐磨性,适用于要求高度耐腐蚀性和不生锈的环境; 铬钢球硬度高、耐磨性好,适用于磨料加工和磨具行业; 碳钢球具有高强度和硬度,广泛应用于轴承和机械零件上。