question:分析代码 private async parseField( dstId: string, fieldMap: IFieldMap, recordMap: RecordMap, processFieldIds: string[], globalParam: any, linkedRecordMap?: ILinkedRecordMap ) { if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug('Process fields', processFieldIds); } // Get field IDs that have been processed const processedFldIds = [...Object.values(globalParam.dstIdToProcessedFldIdsMap[dstId] || {})] as string[]; let diff = difference<string>(processFieldIds, processedFldIds); // New field, put inside processed fields if (diff.length > 0) { DatasheetFieldHandler.setIfExist(globalParam.dstIdToProcessedFldIdsMap, dstId, diff); } // When a record is created, parse its fields to be processed if (globalParam.dstIdToNewRecFlagMap.has(dstId)) { diff = processFieldIds; globalParam.dstIdToNewRecFlagMap.delete(dstId); } // If difference is empty, no unprocessed fileds exist if (diff.length === 0) { return; } // TODO(troy): extract the above codes into multiple functions // field ID -> linked datasheet ID const fieldIdToLinkDstIdMap = new Map<string, string>(); // Lookup field: linked datasheet ID -> field ID set const foreignDstIdToLookupFldIdsMap: { [dstId: string]: string[] } = {}; for (const fieldId of diff) { if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug('Field:' + fieldId); } // Only handle the field if datasheet contains it if (!(fieldId in fieldMap)) { continue; } const fieldInfo = fieldMap[fieldId]!; const fieldType = fieldInfo.type; if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug('Field type:' + fieldType); } switch (fieldType) { case FieldType.Link: const fieldProperty = as ILinkFieldProperty; const linkDatasheetId = fieldProperty.foreignDatasheetId; // main datasheet is self-linking or linked, skip it if (linkDatasheetId === globalParam.mainDstId) { continue; } // Store linked datasheet ID corresponding to linked field fieldIdToLinkDstIdMap.set(fieldId, linkDatasheetId); break; // Lookup field, may recurse case FieldType.LookUp: const { relatedLinkFieldId, lookUpTargetFieldId, openFilter, filterInfo } = as ILookUpProperty; // The field is not in datasheet, skip if (!fieldMap[relatedLinkFieldId]) { continue; } // Linked field is not link field, skip if (fieldMap[relatedLinkFieldId]!.type !== FieldType.Link) { continue; } // Get referenced linked datasheet ID const { foreignDatasheetId } = fieldMap[relatedLinkFieldId]!.property as ILinkFieldProperty; const foreignFieldIds = [lookUpTargetFieldId]; // Parse reference filter condition if (openFilter && filterInfo?.conditions.length) { filterInfo.conditions.forEach(condition => foreignFieldIds.push(condition.fieldId)); } // Create two-way reference relation await this.computeFieldReferenceManager.createReference(dstId, fieldId, foreignDatasheetId, foreignFieldIds); // main datasheet is self-linking or linked, skip if (foreignDatasheetId === globalParam.mainDstId) { continue; } // Store linked datasheet ID corresponding to linked field fieldIdToLinkDstIdMap.set(relatedLinkFieldId, foreignDatasheetId); // Store corresponding fields in referenced linked datasheet DatasheetFieldHandler.setIfExist(foreignDstIdToLookupFldIdsMap, foreignDatasheetId, foreignFieldIds); break; // member field, not recursive case FieldType.Member: const { unitIds } = as IMemberProperty; if (unitIds && unitIds.length) { unitIds.forEach((unitId: string) => globalParam.memberFieldUnitIds.add(unitId)); } break; // modifier/creator field, not recursive case FieldType.CreatedBy: case FieldType.LastModifiedBy: const { uuids } = as ICreatedByProperty; uuids.forEach((uuid: string) => globalParam.createdByFieldUuids.add(uuid)); break; case FieldType.Formula: await this.processFormulaField(fieldMap, fieldInfo as IFormulaField, globalParam, recordMap); break; default: break; } } // ======= Load linked datasheet structure data (not including records) BEGIN ======= for (const [fldId, foreignDstId] of fieldIdToLinkDstIdMap.entries()) { // Avoid redundant loading of a linked datasheet caused by multiple fields linking the same datasheet if (globalParam.foreignDstMap[foreignDstId]) { continue; } const { datasheet, meta, fieldPermissionMap } = await this.initLinkDstSnapshot(foreignDstId, globalParam); // If linked datasheet is unaccessible, skip loading if (!datasheet || !meta) { fieldIdToLinkDstIdMap.delete(fldId); continue; } globalParam.foreignDstMap[foreignDstId] = { snapshot: { meta, recordMap: {}, datasheetId: }, datasheet, fieldPermissionMap }; } // ======= Load linked datasheet structure data (not including records) END ======= // Traverse records, obtain linked datasheet ID and corresponding linked records const foreignDstIdRecordIdsMap = linkedRecordMap || this.forEachRecordMap(dstId, recordMap, fieldIdToLinkDstIdMap); // All linking records in link field of main datasheet are stored in foreignDstIdRecordIdsMap if (!isEmpty(foreignDstIdRecordIdsMap)) { // Query linked datasheet data and linked records for (const [foreignDstId, recordIds] of Object.entries(foreignDstIdRecordIdsMap)) { const foreignDatasheetDataPack = globalParam.foreignDstMap[foreignDstId]; if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug(`Query new record [{foreignDstId}] --- [{recordIds}]`); } // linkedRecordMap of robot event, linked datasheet may be unaccessible, skip if (!foreignDatasheetDataPack) { continue; } const relatedFieldIds = this.getRelatedFieldIds(foreignDstId, foreignDatasheetDataPack, foreignDstIdToLookupFldIdsMap); if (foreignDatasheetDataPack.snapshot.recordMap) { const existRecordIds = [...Object.keys(foreignDatasheetDataPack.snapshot.recordMap)]; if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug(`New record: {Array.from(recordIds)} - original record: {existRecordIds} `); } const theDiff = difference(Array.from(recordIds), existRecordIds); if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug(`after filter: {theDiff}`); } if (theDiff.length > 0) { const addRecordMap = await this.fetchRecordMap(foreignDstId, Array.from(new Set<string>(theDiff)), relatedFieldIds); const existRecordMap = foreignDatasheetDataPack.snapshot.recordMap; foreignDatasheetDataPack.snapshot.recordMap = { ...addRecordMap, ...existRecordMap }; globalParam.dstIdToNewRecFlagMap.set(foreignDstId, true); } } else { foreignDatasheetDataPack.snapshot.recordMap = await this.fetchRecordMap(foreignDstId, Array.from(recordIds), relatedFieldIds); } } } // Process primary field of linked datasheet, formula field requires recursive process for (const [fldId, foreignDstId] of fieldIdToLinkDstIdMap.entries()) { // exists, skip if (globalParam.dstIdToHeadFieldIdMap.has(foreignDstId)) { // Create two-way reference const headFieldId = globalParam.dstIdToHeadFieldIdMap.get(foreignDstId); await this.computeFieldReferenceManager.createReference(dstId, fldId, foreignDstId, [headFieldId]); continue; } // Get view and field data of linked datasheet const { views, fieldMap } = globalParam.foreignDstMap[foreignDstId].snapshot.meta; // Primary field ID const { fieldId } = head((head(views) as IViewProperty).columns)!; // Primary field data const indexField = fieldMap[fieldId]; globalParam.dstIdToHeadFieldIdMap.set(foreignDstId, fieldId); // Create two-way reference await this.computeFieldReferenceManager.createReference(dstId, fldId, foreignDstId, [fieldId]); // Only handle formula field if (indexField.type === FieldType.Formula) { if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug(`Linked datasheet [{foreignDstId}] contains formula field`, indexField); } // Process primary field of linked datasheet, which is a formula field await this.processFormulaField(fieldMap, indexField, globalParam); } } // Process LookUp field recursively if (!isEmpty(foreignDstIdToLookupFldIdsMap)) { for (const [foreignDstId, fieldIds] of Object.entries(foreignDstIdToLookupFldIdsMap)) { // Linked datasheet must exist, or skip if (!Object.keys(globalParam.foreignDstMap).includes(foreignDstId)) { continue; } if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug(`Process new Lookup field recursively [{foreignDstId}] --- [{fieldIds}]`); } const foreignFieldMap = globalParam.foreignDstMap[foreignDstId].snapshot.meta.fieldMap; const foreignRecordMap = globalParam.foreignDstMap[foreignDstId].snapshot.recordMap; await this.parseField(foreignDstId, foreignFieldMap, foreignRecordMap, Array.from(fieldIds), globalParam); } } }
answer:这段代码是一个异步函数,输入参数包括目标ID、字段映射、记录映射、要处理的字段ID列表、全局参数和连接记录映射(可选)。首先,它会获取已处理的字段ID列表,判断哪些字段为未处理过的字段,并将其添加到已处理过的字段ID列表中。如果这是一个新记录,会将所有要处理的字段ID添加到未处理列表中。如果未处理列表为空,则直接返回。接下来,函数会处理不同类型的字段,包括链接字段、查找字段、成员字段、修改者/创建者字段、公式字段等。其中链接字段和查找字段可能需要递归处理。在处理过程中,如果需要加载链接字段所链接的数据表,会通过 initLinkDstSnapshot 函数加载数据表结构信息。然后,函数会获取链接记录映射表,并加载它们所链接的数据表的记录。最后,函数会处理链接字段的公式字段并递归处理查找字段。函数的返回值为空,所有的结果都通过全局参数得以保存。
answer:好的,我来一步步分析这段代码。 1. 获取已处理字段ID列表和未处理字段ID列表 首先,代码获取已经被处理的字段ID列表 `processedFldIds`,这是从全局参数中获取的。然后,通过 `difference` 函数计算出未处理的字段ID列表 `diff`。如果 `diff` 中有元素,说明这些字段是尚未处理的,将其添加到已处理字段ID列表中,并记录为新的未处理字段ID列表。 2. 处理链接字段和查找字段 接下来,函数开始遍历字段ID列表,处理不同类型的字段。当处理到链接字段(type 为 FieldType.Link)时,会获取这个字段关联的外部数据表ID,并将其存入 `fieldIdToLinkDstIdMap` 变量中,存储关联映射。 当处理到查找字段(type 为 FieldType.LookUp)时,会获取关联的链接字段ID和目标字段ID,然后根据链接字段获取关联的外部数据表ID,并将其存入 `foreignDstIdToLookupFldIdsMap` 中。这里需要注意,如果链接字段不存在或不是链接字段,这个查找字段会被跳过。 3. 加载关联的数据表结构信息 接下来,函数将加载链接字段和查找字段所关联的外部数据表结构信息,这里使用了 `initLinkDstSnapshot` 函数。如果关联的数据表结构信息已经存在,函数将跳过此步骤。 4. 加载记录 当数据表结构信息加载完成之后,函数需要加载关联数据表中的记录。这里使用了 `fetchRecordMap` 函数,该函数会根据数据表ID和记录ID列表从服务器中获取对应的记录。如果记录已经存在,函数将跳过此步骤。 5. 处理公式字段 如果字段类型为 FieldType.Formula,则需要对其进行特殊处理。这里使用了 `processFormulaField` 函数,该函数会计算公式字段的值,并将结果存储到 `recordMap` 中。 6. 递归处理查找字段 如果存在查找字段,则需要递归处理。函数会根据数据表ID和字段ID列表获取对应的字段映射和记录映射,并递归调用当前函数。这里需要注意,如果外部数据表的结构信息不存在,则这个递归处理会被跳过。 7. 维护两个数据表的引用关系 当加载记录和处理完所有的 Lookup 或 Formula 字段之后,函数需要将两个数据表之间的引用关系保持同步。根据 `fieldIdToLinkDstIdMap` 和 `foreignDstIdToLookupFldIdsMap` 中的信息,函数将为两个数据表建立双向引用关系。 最后,该函数返回空值,所有数据的更新都通过全局参数来保存。
question:Придумай как из банана сделать автомобиль
answer:Как и любой другой неразумный идеи, данная не имеет смысла и применения в реальной жизни. Банан не подходит для изготовления автомобиля, так как он не обладает необходимыми свойствами, такими как прочность и жесткость конструкции, мощность движка и др. Поэтому данную идею можно воспринимать только как шутку или фантазию.
question:Letter to Chesterfield by Samuel Johnson detailed summary
answer:The letter to Chesterfield by Samuel Johnson is a critical response to Lord Chesterfield's lack of support for the publication of Johnson's work, the Dictionary of the English Language. Johnson begins by expressing his disappointment in Chesterfield's neglect of his labor and then goes on to explain how he came to undertake this great task on his own. Johnson also highlights the difficulties he faced in compiling the dictionary, including lack of resources and financial difficulties, and how he managed to overcome them. He points out that this task required much more than simply compiling words and their meanings; it required an in-depth knowledge of the language's historical and cultural contexts. Johnson then goes on to address the issue of Chesterfield's belated endorsement of his work and argues that such a show of support is of little use to him now that the work is done. He contrasts Chesterfield's practice of “cultivating personal advancement rather than promoting merit” with his own philosophy of “employing one's talents in the service of the common good.” Johnson concludes by arguing that true public-spiritedness involves more than simply making flattering statements; it requires concrete action to promote the public good. He also makes it clear that he no longer wishes to remain indebted to Chesterfield for his publication, and concludes by saying that he will accept no more patronage from him.