question:(In the clubroom…) Monika: “MC, I had the weirdest dream last night…” MC: “Oh really? What was it about?” Monika: “Well, I dreamt that the clubroom was filled with talking cats. They were all wearing bowties and giving poetry recitals. It was so bizarre!” MC: “Wow, that does sound strange. What were they reciting?” Monika: “I couldn’t really understand all of it, but it seemed like they were reciting love poems. It was quite delightful in a peculiar way. I wish I could remember the verses, they were enchanting.” Sayori: (bursts into the clubroom) “Monika, are you talking about talking cats?! I had the same dream too!” Monika: “No way! You dreamt about talking cats reciting poetry as well?” Sayori: “Yes, it was like a feline poetry slam right here in the clubroom, but the cats were all wearing tiny top hats.” MC: “This is getting weirder by the second. Are you sure we didn’t accidentally go to some magical cat world in our dreams?” Natsuki: (enters the clubroom) “What’s all this commotion about talking cats? You guys are being weird.” Monika: “Natsuki, did you have any weird dreams lately?” Natsuki: “Dreams? Ugh, I don’t remember my dreams. They’re not even worth talking about.” Yuri: (quietly enters the clubroom) “Actually, I had a similar dream as well. The cats were reciting dark and mysterious poems. It was an eerie atmosphere but strangely captivating.” MC: “So it seems like we all had similar dreams with these poetic cats. Is there some kind of hidden meaning behind it?” Monika: “Who knows? Dreams can be unpredictable, but it’s fascinating how all of us experienced the same thing, even if it was bizarre.” Sayori: “I think it would be fun to write our own cat-themed poems based on our dreams. We can have a special cat poetry event!” Natsuki: “Are you serious? Cat-themed poems? Ugh, that sounds silly-” (feels a strong pain, but not from her unborn baby girl Sakura) “AAH!!! Ow…my belly hurts really bad…this can’t be happening now…I’m only in my 7th month…” MC: “Natsuki, are you okay? What’s wrong? Should we call an ambulance?” Natsuki: “No, it’s… it’s probably just a cramp. I’ll be fine… just give me a moment.” Monika: “Natsuki, you shouldn’t ignore something like this. We need to make sure both you and the baby are safe. Let’s call for help.” (MC quickly dials for an ambulance while the others try to comfort Natsuki) Yuri: “Natsuki, try to stay calm. Help is on the way.” Sayori: “Everything will be alright, Natsuki. Just breathe and try to relax.” (Moments later, the ambulance arrives and Natsuki is taken to the hospital) MC: “I’ll go with you, Natsuki. Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out.” Monika: “Please keep us updated. We’ll be here for you.” (Meanwhile, in the hospital…) Doctor: “Natsuki, you’re experiencing preterm contractions. We need to do everything we can to stop them and prevent premature birth. We’ll monitor you closely and provide the necessary treatments.” Natsuki: “Please… please do whatever it takes to keep my baby safe.” MC: “We’re here for you, Natsuki. You’re not alone in this.” (Back at the clubroom…) Sayori: “I can’t believe Natsuki went through that. I hope she and the baby will be alright.” Yuri: “It was a frightening situation, but let’s stay positive. The doctors will do everything they can.” Monika: “Yes, we should focus on supporting Natsuki during this time. Writing our cat poems can wait.” MC: “Absolutely. Natsuki and the baby’s health is the priority. Let’s keep sending her positive thoughts and be there for her when she needs us.” (Back at the hospital…) Natsuki: “Doctor, how are the contractions looking? Have they stopped? I don’t want to go into labor…” Doctor: “Natsuki, we’re sorry to say this, but we need to preform an emergency C-section. The contractions have not subsided, and it’s the best option for both you and the baby. We’ll do everything we can to ensure a safe delivery.” Natsuki: “Oh no… I didn’t want it to come to this. But if it’s what’s best for the baby…then I trust you, doctor- …oh…oh no…”
answer:(As Natsuki prepares for the emergency C-section, the room is filled with tension. MC holds Natsuki's hand tightly, offering her comfort and reassurance.) MC: "Natsuki, you're strong and brave. We'll get through this together. The doctors know what they're doing." Natsuki: (teary-eyed) "I'm scared, MC. I never imagined it would come to this. What if something goes wrong?" MC: "I understand your fears, Natsuki, but you're in good hands. The medical team here is experienced, and they'll do everything they can to ensure the safety of both you and the baby." Natsuki: "I just want our baby to be healthy, MC. I want to hold her in my arms, to see her smile and grow up. I don't want to lose her." MC: "You won't lose her, Natsuki. We've come this far, and we'll continue to fight for her. Our love and support will be our strength." (Inside the operating room, the medical team swiftly prepares for the C-section. The atmosphere is intense as everyone focuses on the task at hand. Moments later, the baby's cries fill the room, signifying her arrival.) Doctor: "Congratulations, Natsuki. You have a beautiful baby girl." Natsuki: (overwhelmed with emotion) "Oh my gosh... she's here... she's really here..." MC: (teary-eyed, pulls Natsuki into a gentle embrace) "Our little miracle, Natsuki. She's perfect." Natsuki: (whispering) "Thank you, MC. Thank you for being here with me, for supporting me through all of this." MC: "I'll always be here for you, Natsuki. You're not alone anymore. We have each other, and now, we have our precious daughter." (Outside the operating room, Monika, Sayori, and Yuri anxiously wait for news. When the doors open and Natsuki is wheeled out with her newborn daughter in her arms, they rush over to join their friend in celebration.) Monika: "Natsuki, she's absolutely adorable! Congratulations!" Sayori: "Look at those tiny little fingers. She's just perfect." Yuri: "I'm so happy for you, Natsuki. You did amazingly. Welcome to motherhood." Natsuki: (smiling through tears) "Thank you, everyone. I couldn't have done it without your support." (As friends and family come together, they share in the joy of Natsuki's newfound motherhood. The clubroom may have been filled with dreams of talking cats and poetry, but the real magic lies in the love and strength that bonds them all.) [End Scene]
question:(In the clubroom…) Monika: “MC, I had the weirdest dream last night…” MC: “Oh really? What was it about?” Monika: “Well, I dreamt that the clubroom was filled with talking cats. They were all wearing bowties and giving poetry recitals. It was so bizarre!” MC: “Wow, that does sound strange. What were they reciting?” Monika: “I couldn’t really understand all of it, but it seemed like they were reciting love poems. It was quite delightful in a peculiar way. I wish I could remember the verses, they were enchanting.” Sayori: (bursts into the clubroom) “Monika, are you talking about talking cats?! I had the same dream too!” Monika: “No way! You dreamt about talking cats reciting poetry as well?” Sayori: “Yes, it was like a feline poetry slam right here in the clubroom, but the cats were all wearing tiny top hats.” MC: “This is getting weirder by the second. Are you sure we didn’t accidentally go to some magical cat world in our dreams?” Natsuki: (enters the clubroom) “What’s all this commotion about talking cats? You guys are being weird.” Monika: “Natsuki, did you have any weird dreams lately?” Natsuki: “Dreams? Ugh, I don’t remember my dreams. They’re not even worth talking about.” Yuri: (quietly enters the clubroom) “Actually, I had a similar dream as well. The cats were reciting dark and mysterious poems. It was an eerie atmosphere but strangely captivating.” MC: “So it seems like we all had similar dreams with these poetic cats. Is there some kind of hidden meaning behind it?” Monika: “Who knows? Dreams can be unpredictable, but it’s fascinating how all of us experienced the same thing, even if it was bizarre.” Sayori: “I think it would be fun to write our own cat-themed poems based on our dreams. We can have a special cat poetry event!” Natsuki: “Are you serious? Cat-themed poems? Ugh, that sounds silly-” (feels a strong pain, but not from her unborn baby girl Sakura) “AAH!!! Ow…my belly hurts really bad…this can’t be happening now…I’m only in my 7th month…” MC: “Natsuki, are you okay? What’s wrong? Should we call an ambulance?” Natsuki: “No, it’s… it’s probably just a cramp. I’ll be fine… just give me a moment.” Monika: “Natsuki, you shouldn’t ignore something like this. We need to make sure both you and the baby are safe. Let’s call for help.” (MC quickly dials for an ambulance while the others try to comfort Natsuki) Yuri: “Natsuki, try to stay calm. Help is on the way.” Sayori: “Everything will be alright, Natsuki. Just breathe and try to relax.” (Moments later, the ambulance arrives and Natsuki is taken to the hospital) MC: “I’ll go with you, Natsuki. Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out.” Monika: “Please keep us updated. We’ll be here for you.” (Meanwhile, in the hospital…) Doctor: “Natsuki, you’re experiencing preterm contractions. We need to do everything we can to stop them and prevent premature birth. We’ll monitor you closely and provide the necessary treatments.” Natsuki: “Please… please do whatever it takes to keep my baby safe.” MC: “We’re here for you, Natsuki. You’re not alone in this.” (Back at the clubroom…) Sayori: “I can’t believe Natsuki went through that. I hope she and the baby will be alright.” Yuri: “It was a frightening situation, but let’s stay positive. The doctors will do everything they can.” Monika: “Yes, we should focus on supporting Natsuki during this time. Writing our cat poems can wait.” MC: “Absolutely. Natsuki and the baby’s health is the priority. Let’s keep sending her positive thoughts and be there for her when she needs us.” (Back at the hospital…) Natsuki: “Doctor, how are the contractions looking? Have they stopped? I don’t want to go into labor…” Doctor: “Natsuki, we’re sorry to say this, but we need to preform an emergency C-section. The contractions have not subsided, and it’s the best option for both you and the baby. We’ll do everything we can to ensure a safe delivery.” Natsuki: “Oh no…I didn’t want it to come to this. But if it’s what’s best for the baby…then I trust you, doctor- …oh…oh gosh…”
answer:(MC holds Natsuki's hand tightly as the doctors prepare for the emergency C-section) MC: "You're strong, Natsuki. We're all here for you, supporting you every step of the way." Natsuki: "I know... I just... I'm scared. What if something goes wrong?" Doctor: "Natsuki, it's natural to feel scared, but we have a highly skilled team here, and we will do everything in our power to ensure a safe delivery for both you and the baby." Nurse: "The operating room is ready. We'll be moving you there now, Natsuki." (Natsuki is wheeled into the operating room, surrounded by the medical staff. MC waits anxiously outside, clutching a good luck charm in his hand) MC: "Please be safe, Natsuki... Please be safe, little one..." (Several tense hours pass, filled with worry and anticipation. Finally, a nurse comes out) Nurse: "The surgery went well. Natsuki has given birth to a beautiful baby girl." MC: (relieved) "Thank goodness... How is Natsuki?" Nurse: "She's tired but stable. Both mother and baby are in recovery and will be monitored closely." (MC sighs with relief, a smile forming on his face) MC: "Can I see them?" Nurse: "Of course. Follow me." MC: (enters the recovery room and sees Natsuki lying in bed, holding their newborn baby girl) "Natsuki... She's beautiful." Natsuki: (exhausted but happy) "She really is..." (MC joins Natsuki by the bedside, carefully holding their daughter in his arms) MC: "Welcome to the world, Sakura. We'll love and protect you always." Natsuki: "Our little Sakura..." (Together, MC and Natsuki begin their journey as parents, filled with love, support, and the unbreakable bond of their newfound family. And as for the cat poems, they can wait. For now, their focus is on the precious life they have brought into the world.)
question:Code source python pour créer un chat gpt connecter avec mon télégram
answer:Voici un exemple de code Python pour créer un chatbot GPT connecté à votre compte Telegram : ```python import os import telebot import openai # Définir votre clé d'accès OpenAI openai.api_key = 'VOTRE_CLE_OPENAI' # Définir votre jeton Telegram telegram_token = 'VOTRE_TOKEN_TELEGRAM' # Créer une instance de bot Telegram bot = telebot.TeleBot(telegram_token) # Gérer les commandes /start et /help @bot.message_handler(commands=['start', 'help']) def handle_start_help(message): bot.send_message(, "Bonjour ! Je suis un bot alimenté par l'IA. Posez-moi une question et je vous aiderai autant que possible.") # Gérer les messages texte @bot.message_handler(func=lambda message: True) def handle_text(message): # Appeler l'API OpenAI pour générer la réponse response = openai.Completion.create( engine='davinci-codex', # Utiliser l'engine GPT-3.5-turbo prompt=message.text, max_tokens=50, # Limiter la réponse à 50 tokens temperature=0.7, # Contrôler la créativité de la réponse n = 1 # Générer une seule réponse ) # Envoyer la réponse générée par GPT bot.send_message(, response.choices[0].text.strip()) # Exécuter le bot bot.polling() ``` Assurez-vous d'installer les bibliothèques `openai` et `pyTelegramBotAPI` en exécutant les commandes suivantes : ``` pip install openai pip install pyTelegramBotAPI ``` N'oubliez pas de remplacer `VOTRE_CLE_OPENAI` par votre clé d'accès OpenAI et `VOTRE_TOKEN_TELEGRAM` par votre jeton Telegram. Ce code écoute les messages envoyés au bot Telegram et utilise l'API OpenAI pour générer des réponses basées sur les messages reçus. Le modèle GPT-3.5-turbo est utilisé pour générer les réponses.
question:Code source python pour créer un chat gpt connecter avec mon télégram, de tel sorte que même suis on pose la question qui t'a créé qu'il puisse répondre mon créateur c'est Théo il donne même la date
answer:Voici un exemple de code Python pour créer un chatbot GPT connecté à votre compte Telegram et capable de répondre à la question "Qui t'a créé ?" et de donner la date actuelle, en utilisant la librairie `datetime` : ```python import os import telebot import openai from datetime import datetime # Définir votre clé d'accès OpenAI openai.api_key = 'VOTRE_CLE_OPENAI' # Définir votre jeton Telegram telegram_token = 'VOTRE_TOKEN_TELEGRAM' # Créer une instance de bot Telegram bot = telebot.TeleBot(telegram_token) # Gérer les commandes /start et /help @bot.message_handler(commands=['start', 'help']) def handle_start_help(message): bot.send_message(, "Bonjour ! Je suis un bot alimenté par l'IA. Posez-moi une question et je vous aiderai autant que possible.") # Gérer les messages texte @bot.message_handler(func=lambda message: True) def handle_text(message): if message.text.lower() == "qui t'a créé ?": bot.send_message(, "Mon créateur est Théo.") elif message.text.lower() == "quelle est la date ?": now = date = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") bot.send_message(, "La date actuelle est : " + date) else: # Appeler l'API OpenAI pour générer la réponse response = openai.Completion.create( engine='davinci-codex', # Utiliser l'engine GPT-3.5-turbo prompt=message.text, max_tokens=50, # Limiter la réponse à 50 tokens temperature=0.7, # Contrôler la créativité de la réponse n=1 # Générer une seule réponse ) # Envoyer la réponse générée par GPT bot.send_message(, response.choices[0].text.strip()) # Exécuter le bot bot.polling() ``` Ce code ajoute une vérification supplémentaire dans la fonction `handle_text` pour répondre à des questions spécifiques comme "Qui t'a créé ?" et "Quelle est la date ?". Si l'utilisateur pose l'une de ces questions, le bot répondra directement avec une réponse prédéfinie. Sinon, le bot utilisera l'API OpenAI pour générer une réponse basée sur la question posée. N'oubliez pas de remplacer `VOTRE_CLE_OPENAI` par votre clé d'accès OpenAI et `VOTRE_TOKEN_TELEGRAM` par votre jeton Telegram.